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Sunday, June 04, 2017

We're OUT!

By Thornton Crowe

In the White House Rose Garden, President Donald Trump has announced we are officially out of the monetary quagmire of the Paris Climate Accord. After the announcement, the market immediate escalated as the NASDAQ, S&P and DOW demonstrated the market's approval of the US leaving this heavy handed mandate on our economy.

Closing at 21,144.18 the market reflects confidence in the President's economic plans and strategies, meaning more investors are willing to push money back into the market, correlating into job creation and a push towards a booming economy.

In the speech, President Trump reiterated the importance the American people, stating, "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris."

In a detailed announcement, he spoke of the nuts and bolts, showing the Paris Climate Accord was a bad deal for American and our economy all the way around as it promised the US would pay billions and yet, no other large country has obligated to do the same. This was a redistribution of wealth and we were on the losing end of the deal.

Furthermore, he assured that he was open to a renegotiation of another deal but was willing for the US to "go it alone" if need be.

UPDATE: The UN has issued a statement of their disappointment the US has decided to leave the Paris Climate Accord. They should be prepared, this will not be the last disappointment the UN will experience under this presidency because he doesn't buy the misinformation they've been propagating on America for many years.

The Video Replay of Trump's Speech in the Rose Garden


  1. yea well you should have heard george on abc slamming him.
    so tired of the discord with the msm

  2. As expected the democrats are in full Henny Penny mode.

  3. Thank GOD he is pulling us out of that boondoggle. We all know China and India were to be given free reign, and OUR taxpayers here in the USA would be on the hook to shut down necessary energy production in OUR OWN COUNTRY!

  4. We want to be the biggest baddest country in the world but Trump can't accept that we have a responsibility to set an example. Sad to see the only other countries who don't support the agreement are Syria and Nicaragua. Nicaragua already having a program in place to produce 90% of their energy with renewables by 2020. And Syria, well when your country is exploding around you why would you be interested in saving the world?

    But hey you're right. The immediate economical gains are worth it right? After all, in the future when we're behind all the other countries that invested in renewables we can just elect a Dem and blame it on them. Perhaps import our power from neighboring countries. Trump won't be around to see the ramifications of his decisions so why should he care?

    Sad day when the USA falls behind China in environmental policies. PS It's called the Paris Agreement because it was signed in Paris. Someone should send a memo to the golf course to let Trump know that.

    1. Sorry, your comment is full of $hit.

    2. I agree with you. Now, call me names all you want, but I'm an.embarrassed republican.

    3. 4:33 But you are okay with the US ALWAYS covering most of the bill. You're not a Republican at heart. For once we have a President thinking about the taxpayers money. Why would you think it okay for the US to pay but not anyone else? It's no different than NATO and personally I think it's some other countries time to payout.

    4. WTF are u smoking... This global warming bullshit was designed to take America down finacially. It is a hoax

  5. There is going to be an epic democrat meltdown. It will be entertaining to watch.

  6. I can only imagine the look on Old Mother Hubbard the German matron's face right now. She again was expecting to freeload while the US picks up the tab.

  7. Ah, wish they would be able to see that climate change is a national security issue as well. It will create a refugee crisis that will make all you conservatives shiver in your trailers.

  8. 4:33 PM ha ha ha, you're funny. To bad you didn't actually listen to the speech and the economic ramifications and climate farce that it was.

  9. 4:33 We do not have a responsibility to set an example for anyone. That the problem with you people. You have wasted your lifetime running around worrying what others think and/or trying to show off by "being an example." People and society as a whole would be much better off if we concerned ourselves first with those in this country and not the rest of the world.

  10. For those who are weeping uncontrollably about this historic moment, it is sad you don't know what's actually in the Paris Climate Accord. Its a massive redistribution of wealth and nothing to do with the climate whatsoever. It was a lose-lose for America while other countries got a lion share of our money. Liberals don't seem to grasp the country can no longer support other countries in the world. We have a $20T debt which is going up every moment. We can no longer fiscally afford to foot the bill for others whom have not been good money managers.

    Go get yourself an actual copy of the Accord, sit down with a strong pot of coffee (or five) and read every line. Make notes. Do your homework. You will find, once you've gone through every nook and cranny, the deal was sour henchings for us and a big pay day for other countries. Nothing about climate preservation whatsoever.

    An informed voter is a responsible one. If you're not in the loop, you're off the bus.

  11. By the way, the speech was most inspiring. When they block it for YouTube, I'll be posting it here for you all to view. Cheers!

    1. No it wasn't Thornton. It was embarrassing. - a conservative

  12. See now this is more proof that democrats are vile foul people. They are screaming the world is going to go to hell but in the meantime they keep on multiplying. If you believe the planet is going to suffer so badly why would you bring a child into the world. Again more proof that democrats are worthless trash who could care less about their own children no matter how much they lie and say they do love their children. They are very sick and warped people.

  13. Thank you President Trump!

  14. 4:33 it's a sad day when people like yourself who clearly never get off the shore actually believe for one second China is going to abide by the agreement. You people are so out of touch to what goes on in the real world it's nauseating.

  15. CNN ......

  16. Right Thorton. I read a bit of it and it's basically earmarks. "Investing" in other countries. Kind of like we "invest" many millions in Mexico to create jobs, etc and it ends up who knows where. Just like we "invest" in Haiti and the people see not one benefit. The list of these "investments" without any results and broken promises from the recipients are endless. Some people live in LaLaLand and are completely clueless. They hear it and run with it instead of educating themselves so they can speak intelligently on the topic.

  17. 4:42 yeah, that's a great way to destroy the natural resources we have. Don't worry about the ramifications? I have something to tell you that maybe you haven't quite figured out yet. We don't have a bubble around the US. Climate affects everyone. Just because you're too idiotic and shortsided to realize that doesn't mean we all have to be.

    4:40 I did listen to the speech. As usual you've just proved that most idiots in this area believe every word that comes out of Trumps mouth. It shows that you are a follower and incapable of seeking information on your own. Keep drinking the kool aid sheep :)

    1. I'm a conservative and I agree with you. Prepare for the insults my friend...

  18. No one has any business lecturing or say WE need to be an example until they start walking the walk themselves. First off 4:55 you can start by sending most of your money to the Accord. You won't be needing much anyway because if you aren't a hypocrite you will get rid of your vehicle and walk everywhere or ride a bike. You need to cut off your electricity and live without unless of course you are a hypocrite and talk a good talk but like the rest of the democrats never walk the walk. Send that money to them every month too. I'll give you a pass on buying food and water but you need to not ever buy anything new ever again as manufacturing according to your believe contributes to climate change.
    So the question is are you just going to continue to talk the talk or are you going to not be a hypocrite and start walking the walk?

  19. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreJune 1, 2017 at 5:06 PM

    433/455 when are you building your fallout shelters? The liberals are now screaming, "The sky is falling."

  20. Anyone who supports this Paris Accord just doesn't give a hoot about America or workers who need jobs! It must be nice to have the luxury to sit back and watch everyone in your community struggling to make ends meet while YOU support billions being sent to other countries for special interest garbage that has nothing to do with the climate at all. If you don't like it, move to f-ing Denmark!

    1. That's a lie. I care deeply. But climate change is real. It will happen. The earth will be fine, but humans won't be.

    2. Stop sucking in so much air Snowwwwwwflake.

  21. 455 hasn't even listened to the damn speech. China, one of the biggest emissions countries can do whatever they want for 13 years! Don't sound too green to me but you sound like a moron.

  22. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreJune 1, 2017 at 5:11 PM

    We can't make coal but India can double their coal production. 433/455 are you high? You think this was about the climate? Whose gulping down the KoolAid?

  23. It’s now clear that President Trump was “playing” the opposition, not “waffling”.

    Room for Renegotiation.

    We can “Bet on Bilateral” Deals, and as Sec. Pruitt pointed out, that will include massive growth in exports of American Emissions-Reducing Technology – improving our Balance of Trade.

    President Trump is beyond brilliant.

  24. This was an imperfect deal, but we have got to get this co2 emission under control

    1. Stop driving ? cupecake hypocrite.

  25. President Trump said it very clearly. The Paris accord was nothing more than a wealth transfer from the United States to other countries with people like Al Gore skimming off his cut and it did NOTHING to change the climate.

  26. To the snowflake at 4:33...once you mentioned responsibility I stopped reading your post. You always want others to be "responsible" but never seem to apply the same thing to yourself! If we were all held responsible things would be a lot different. Schools would be better, crime would be down, and you wouldn't need safe spaces for you to cry in.

    1. Snowflake. Really? Just because someone cares about their world doesn't make them a snowflake. You like people throwing trash I your yard? I don't. Pollution is putting trash in everyone's lungs!

    2. 5:17 do you drive to work everyday??

    3. Yes, I do. I drive a 45-50 mpg car. I have solar and recycle too.

  27. AND 5:10 it was left open that they can extend that part of their agreement beyond 2030! A fool like 455/433 are born every second.

  28. Anon 4:54PM, you are absolutely correct. This is more globalists' initiatives to bring down our economy in order to bolster other countries. Nothing more. There is no green initiatives in this Accord which calls for any other country to partake in cutting their use of fossils, emissions or any of the boogeyman yammer we've heard from conservationists since The Silent Spring. None of the other countries are held accountable to the same said bar, but our reserves and production in coal, etc. will be quashed, permanent. Trump is correct when he states there was a beginning but no ending to this Accord. This makes it one of those 'entitlements' that has marred our healthcare down in a quagmire of manure, making it difficult to ween others off the proverbial money tit. This entitlement; however, is global and at the detriment of every American.

    It was time to cut the cord. Actually, it was a cord that should've never been in place to begin with but Obama was making huge amounts of kickback from this kind of nefarious policy making which hurt Americans greatly. I dare say that 4:33 or 4:55 have ever been to places in Ohio where towns have literally died due to the industry being completely wiped out. Nor do they care because, after all, it's not in their yard so who cares? What difference does it make?

    Good for President Trump for standing up for the American people, even though some are so undeserving of his staunch devotion as they are.

  29. Sorry friends, but you can't call yourself a conservative and promote this horrible redistribution of our country's wealth in the same breath. You, my friends, have moved over to the dark side. Such a pity.

  30. Thornton, have you read the whole Paris Accord?

    1. He claims he did, but like most closed-minded, he cherry-picked some stuff to "support" his position.

  31. Love President Trump. Period!!!

  32. Is this fatboy jt? who is on his site blasting thorton ?

  33. Most if not all of the countries signed on because of the money most of it contributed by the US. They are no more going to "invest" in clean energy then the man in the moon is going to. Most if not all of the money they will be given will be lost in the bureaucracy as it always is with "investments" we make in other countries.

  34. By next week there will be a law passed to put the US back into this.

  35. ANON 5:23PM It is my job to read these types of things; therefore, yes, I've read it. It's a pile of balderdash for which exemplifies the bureaucracy I've become all too familiar with from the DC political elites. Full of thereofs, heretos, whereupons, and for art thous.

    ANON 5:32PM I would hold onto my mad money and not place any bet on this, as the statements from both Speakers have flooded in with kudoes to the President for withdrawing from this nightmare. They are fully on board and backing the President without complaint.

  36. Some countries who signed on agreed to do absolutely nothing. Some made a gesture agreeing to limit greenhouse gases by like 0.02 percent. For that whooping reduction they will receive millions. It's a big farce.

  37. It's bogus as in there are no commitments only aims and goals. Also a complete lack of binding enforcement meaning the countries will still receive $'s even if they do nothing, which most will.

  38. For those in meltdown, Ironman 3 is on FX. Maybe you guys should go watch something that doesn't upset you so much. The hospital will have road construction soon which could mean you'll die en rote.

  39. NASDQ went up 9 points right when he announced the withdraw. Not too shabby. No one wants to invest in American business if they know their money will be packed off to some other countries for them to waste and squander.

  40. Hey, I'm just a ole Eastern Shore minion. This is above my pay grade, so if "The Donald" is for it I'm in. Best POTUS you and myself have ever seen. Thank you President Donald J. Trump.

  41. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreJune 1, 2017 at 5:52 PM

    Most people don't follow politics or Trump's activities so when something like this happens, they are shock, sh** and amazed. The thing is, he's about forty steps ahead and knows exactly what he's doing. He is not governing like a traditional president. Nowhere close. He's governing smartly and allowing for negotiation room but is prepared to walk away from the table. He isn't so hung up on anything to the point where he'll sell America's soul for a warm fuzzie moment like the quack from the last eight years. He's much too savvy to blow his wad over some weeping hearts. Those so called conservatives who have weak constitution who don't understand this will yammer on about being ashamed and yadda yadda yadda but it just shows they don't have the stomach for real business. They play checkers while Trump plays 4-D chess. There are nuances which you aren't aware of and probably won't be until his library opens.

  42. Swamp Drainer, most don't understand presidential history or how our government works. The common core kids haven't gotten past the 2nd grade in these subjected because Civics is no longer taught in school.

    Any historian worth his or her weight in salt will tell you the presidency is ALL about negotiating. Being able to negotiate is the biggest key element. It's one of the reasons why Johnson was so good at pitching snake oil to the masses while bending Congress to his will. He was most unpopular in his first technical term because he wasn't duly elected. He got the position by default. Even thought FDR's New Deal was a dismal failure for America and prolonged the Great Depression by a decade, he was a notorious dealmaker.

  43. This is a brilliant man that loves America. Thank you mr president and may God bless you.

  44. Most of these negative comments are coming from college educated progressive liberals who wants to sink democracy. They are the first to complain about their income but the last to take care of Americans. This is a proven fact from their charitable donations to organizations that help Americans. The money they are willing to give away to other countries is pathetic. We should be taking care of our Vets / Seniors that need it / homeless / abused children / health of our children to name a few. They need to walk the walk instead of talking the talk of non-sense.

    1. I do. And I'm a conservative. I just care about the earth. Only a closed minded person would automatically follow a certain mindset, like you do with trump

  45. 433 I'll call bullsh!t and raise you two givvadams. If you want to lower your standard of living to save some unicorns from the coming ice age...oops that was the 70s, er, global warmimg...oops that was the 90s, er, climate change, thats it climate change, go right ahead. The data and the facts simply do not support the emotion of so many regardng this issue. Go ahead and cram your family and groceries into your Prius, lght candles in mom' s basement instead of using electricity to write your opinions, makes no difference to me. But dont force my standard of living downward with carbon credits and the redistribution of my wealth with your fantasies. If renewables and the like are viable people like me will gladly use it and pay less for it because it makes economic sense and improves our standard of living without government subsidies and the like taken from me and other taxpayers.

  46. Given the time no doubt the snowflakes and RINOs are sitting there watching MSM smooth over their ills with Trump bashing over the exit today. All their cheers for resist and being ashamed to be conservatives are all massaged by the Lamestream media who adores globalism. Like Succinol they'll be nighty-night before too long. Such a harrowing day in the life of a liberal in Trump Country.

  47. I simple person. When it's cold I put on a jacket, when Its warm I take it off. When BILL CLINTON and HILLARY CLINTON say the Paris deal is good I'll PASS... Thank you President Trump for doing what you promised.

  48. 5:23 PM: The accord is in French, stupid!

    1. There is also an English version available. You went to a local high school didn't you 705? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

    2. 🙀🙀🙀🙀😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹

    3. Better stop smoking that weed, Chong. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. 795 was the brightest in their class. God are you people really that stupid?

    5. Oh my God 705 has to be kidding. Please say you're kidding. Nobody can be that damn stupid!

  49. I am so glad that we don't have children that will be living in what will be a vast wasteland in the future. You retards can dump whatever you want in the Bay, release all the toxic emissions and contaminate the earth with nuclear fallout. I don't GAF. I'll be dead.

  50. Wasn't there just an article on this blog about the market being inflated and going to burst?

    1. The same ppl who wrote articles about Clinton having a 96% chance of being president?

  51. One more step in making America rise again from the ash heap Obama left us in.
    And to Hillary Clinton and all the other liberal freaks who has caused the world to be in such turmoil, shut up!

  52. Anyone who is not pleased with the President's decision to pull out is nothing but a clueless ignoramus. Basically in a nutshell it was something that already cost us a billion AND some of the biggest polluters in the word were given the advantage of not participating for many years. These are also our biggest competitors.

  53. 7:52 it was probably about the artificial inflating that was done under obama and yes if it had kept up it would have burst. You can bet on it. They were printing money (quantitative easing) to pump into the stock market to pump it up.
    Now it's going up organically and naturally as it should.

    1. Bwahaha, keep on drinking from that kool aid fountain. QE worked exactly hkw it was designed and investors have been riding the gravy train. That cash is still circulating hot and heavy out there clown. It did not just evaporate after inauguration.

  54. Thanks Mr President for saving us working citizens from being forced to make trillionaires out of billionaires through this scam.

  55. Good time to be a psychiatrist in Hollywood right about now.

  56. Al Gore predicted that all Arctic ice would be gone by 2013. But, on contrary Arctic ice is up by 50% since 2012.

  57. People really need to stop believing in fairy tales like this Paris deal was about conservation. Why not read it for yourself and see what it really says. It's on the UN website. Google it. It's also available in English 705. What a kick you are.

  58. Of course Russia thinks its great. They don't abide by anything. The same with China. Both countries won't pay money like the US does and they don't have to watch their emissions at all for well over a decade. It was a raw deal that would never have past our Senate anyway. Just because Obama signed it doesn't make it so. The Senate would have to also sign off on it and that would never happen.

  59. None of these bruhas don't have the smarts to google that thing, 830. They'd rather sit around and cry in their summertime ice cream about how Trump wronged them when he just saved their happy asses. Fools.

  60. 818, I wonder how many pancakes Babbs will eat now. She's liable to gain another 50 pounds now. More gas emissions on that one.

  61. Thank you President Donald Trump for protecting hard-working Americans from being screwed by another Obama deal designed to transfer our wealth to corrupt nations. And get this, I love the environment; take that you idiot liberals.

  62. LOL QE did not work. Either that or it was another one of the many of obamas lies. The whole idea was to stimulate the economy. It was sold as if investors have more money they will spend and that would help local economies. That did not happen at all. At the time the market was overwhelmingly day traders and much of the money has been lost by them. So 8:51 don't ever think you are going to match wits with me on this topic. Not only do I have multiple investment accounts one of any valued at more then your net worth will ever be, I've forgotten more on the topic then you could ever hope to know.

  63. Anything that Obama put into place you can bet your bottom dollar that it was not a good thing for the United States. That man did more damage to this country in the past eight years than the past six presidents. I am damn glad that President Trump took us out of the accord. And I really am damn glad that Hollywierd is having a fit about it. Like I really care how mad they are as they fly around from a party on the West Coast to a Fashion Week party on the East Coast in their private jets and they live in their 45,000 square foot homes with their nine cars and they want to talk about someone's carbon footprint. And let us not forget all the yachts in the harbor at Cannes. That is all I've seen in the news for the past week.

  64. obama has done nothing but damage his whole entire life. He has never nor will ever contribute anything positive to society ever. He's the 3rd generation of ghetto garbage. His useless grandparents who failed miserably when they raised the hoe mother who dumped her kid off on them to raise another generation of garbage. Now he's multiplied and 2 more of their type will be fouling the air with their lies.

  65. Some say President Trump is the Second Coming of President Reagan, but I think President Reagan was just the first coming of President Trump

  66. Obama’s handlers had him scam the nation – President Trump unscammed it. Obama may be dancing around in protest like the media’s trained monkey, but the crowd no longer finds the monkey amusing, nor the organ worth listening to.

  67. Except for the fiscal punitive parts of the accord aimed at the US, it was basically just a liberal manifesto of their wishes that will never happen. There was no deadlines or mandates mentioned specifically about any nation, such as India or China. It was all smoke and mirrors except towards the US. We are the leader in the world against pollution of all kinds and it is done through the individual company, following guidelines set out by the EPA. Look at what happened to Germany. They doomed their nuclear power and went with solar and wind and COAL! Now they produce more pollution than before the accord and their industries are dying because of the cost of electricity. The accord would have brought us down to their level. Thank you DJT.

  68. Here are some things you all seem to be missing. Even if we joined, there are no international laws binding us to those numbers. We could continue to output as much as we want. This deal is more of a global consensus that we recognize and address the changing climate.

    We also will not be able to withdraw for another 4 years. After the next president. You shore rednecks better hope the dems shoot themselves in the foot four years from now. You should also start drafting the letter to your grandchildren in which you explain how we were presented with a solution to an avoidable problem yet we chose to do nothing.

    MIT has even come out and said that Trump grossly misunderstood the articles and data he quotes in his speech. It must have been more than 140 characters...Never trust a scientist though right? Trust the man with the microphone feeding you whatever he wants because he knows you'll take it and thank him for it afterwards.

  69. Fake News 8:06. We have withdrawn effective as of yesterday. What your masters are saying it "could" take 4 years. They are pulling a fast one on you low information people because of your lack of reading comprehension you twist it into "it will." They are trying to pull the Accord off as a Treaty which can take time. There is a big difference.
    Secondly you are the one is is missing something. What sense does it make to pay billions (and we already have contributed a billion) for what amounts to what you call a "global consensus to just recognize and address the climate change?"
    The President didn't miss a thing. You can put all the climate change people together and as a whole they don't have the intelligence as this President. Remember this was the same crowd who said he would lose and lose big. He outsmarted and outwitted all of them and he's doing it once again.

  70. 8:06 you people do not live in the real world. You need to get off the Eastern Shore once in awhile to see how it is and not how you've been told it is.
    You are nothing but a fool if you think for one second the money that will be distributed is going to go anywhere but in the pockets of a few. This especially true in the 3rd world countries that signed on.
    Look at the accord and please read it so then you will know what you are talking about. Some countries have to do nothing and they will still receive money.
    This is the problem with you low information. When obama signed on many climate proponents including one known as the Godfather of Climate Change bashed the accord as being meaningless and useless. Now that the President has withdrawal you people are acting like lunatics. I would say stop being a hypocrite but won't because we have your number. And I know you will lie and say it's not true because all you people do is lie constantly but the President could come up with an instant cure for cancer and you people would find fault. Your problem is you are seething with anger over the other liar losing the election but again your inhere4nt dishonesty will prevent you from ever being truthful.

  71. 8:06 honey we do NOT have to wait 4 years to withdraw. Where do you come up with this nonsense is beyond the "rednecks" comprehension. As stated above this is NOT a Treaty. You must get your "education" from CNN or the Failing NYT.
    In a nutshell we unofficially withdrew over a 100 days ago when the President started rolling back regulations. Officially withdrawing only takes few stokes of the President's Porsche Luxury TecFlex Fountain pen, my dearest low information voter no doubt.

  72. Great , the United States, Syria and Nicaragua .
    Our role models in the global community

  73. The Paris Accord is only 25 pages long why haven't people like 806 even read it? Clearly from the remarks, they haven't nor do they understand what it means at all. Thornton should write on it but 806 would refuse to understand. How can people defend on something they haven't even read? They're no better than representatives who sign bills into law without reading them first. Lazy culture.

  74. Shout out goes to ANON 11:36AM for their inspiration for today's article Why We Left.

    I've seen a lot of people clamoring and disgruntled about this 25-page agreement but no one seems to be at all bothered that ISIS has attacked three additional times in the last week, with body count in excess of 200 and wounded close (if not over) 1,000. The media hasn't reported on the attack that happened yesterday morning at all, even though the President mentioned it in his opening remarks.

    By the way, to my faithful market watchers who contradicted what I said about the market surge yesterday as the President announced our withdraw, the market has just broke new records across the board in the wake of said announcement and all the green temper tantrums.

  75. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreJune 2, 2017 at 12:53 PM

    1241 don't you use plastic bottled water? Did you know your 'recycles' end up in landfills?

    1243 you can't be a conservative and say you support globalism that obliterate free market and encourage massive government in the same breath. You are a RINO at best but most likely a closet Liberal. We don't need your kind. Quit riding the fence when it's convenient for you. Go full throttle and register as a Democrat and stop defaming the word conservative because clearly you are not!

  76. Love people like 1243 who think they're conservative when we all know they're not. They make idiots of themselves because their chosen ignorance is so obvious. Who's really the one who looks uninformed? Wow. Your narcissism is astounding!

  77. My 401K has jumped $16,000 since President Trump was elected. Awesome!!

  78. The US has already contributed 1 billion to the accord fund. All other nations combined $0.00. We need a refund and then use the money for The Wall......w/solar panels. Then everyone will be happy.

  79. 12:43

    "Only a closed minded person would automatically follow a certain mindset, like you do with trump"

    Only a closed minded person would automatically follow the church of man made global warming. Use some critical thinking skills and actual research the science. You will find out that the theory that global warming is man made is at best very weak. Take out all the government funded agenda driven science and the whole notion of man made warming collapses.

    Use your head for something instead of a hat rack.

  80. 248 and how much did it jump during Obama's term? You should be falling all over yourself to make out with the man based off the metric you are using.

  81. I'm not 248 but to answer your question anyway minimal. Pretty much flat. The only ones who benefited were the day traders most of whom ended up losing much of it. Investors accounts remained flat. The obama years weren't great for long term investors.

  82. @3:49 pm, I am 2:48, and I checked some of my statements. The last 3 years Obama was President, it grew about $17,000, averaging $5700 each year. And it jumped almost that much more in 5 months since Trump was elected. Enough said. Also, I agree with 6:53 a.m. wholeheartedly.


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