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Tuesday, June 27, 2017



  1. Assuming the shoes are on the correct feet... . often!

  2. First my Mom, then my sisters, and then my wife. As it should be.
    Just kidding, I don't wear shoes with laces, but I can tie them.

  3. Then I look down to see that they're wearing Docksiders and the question answers itself.

  4. The question in my mind is usually, "How on earth could you earn enough to afford that $70,000 truck?"

  5. 6:33, they are either in debt over their head or manage money better than you.
    What the heck is wrong with my Docksiders?

  6. Yes, mostly when discussing global warming (oops, climate change) with a believer. It's sad.

  7. Yeah, and they typically have a "move forward" or Hillary sticker on their vehicle.
    I was talking to one the other day and he asked me how long would it be before Trump got impeached! IMPEACHED?!? " Why o you think he will be impeached?!"
    "Because of the Russian collusion." Yep, he actually said it. Even when the MSM is backing down, it takes months or years for morons to wash it off their grey matter.
    Here's your sign.

  8. 633 they write it off as a farm truck and uncle same gives them a break lol


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