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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Walmart Has A Giant Grocery Vending Machine For Online Order Pickup Now

Back in November, Walmart began testing a giant orange vending machine that allowed online customers to pick up their orders without having to wait in line or talk to other people. Now, the company is reportedly testing a similar system, but for online grocery orders. 


  1. I was 40 years too early. In the mid-80s, I started a company called Grocery Express, where customers could call or fax- Al Gore had not yet invented the internet- in their orders. I would deliver or pre-shop their orders at the local Safeway and they would pick them up there. Great concept but too early. Glad to see my ideƔis making a comeback.

  2. Yeah but sadly your idea coming back is the push toward robots and no jobs!!

  3. Want a job? Get an education.


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