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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Twitter Users Blocked by Trump Seek Reprieve, Citing First Amendment

WASHINGTON — Lawyers for Twitter users blocked by President Trump after they criticized or mocked him are asking him to reverse the moves, arguing that the Constitution bars him from blocking people on the social media service.

The request raises novel legal issues stemming from Mr. Trump’s use of his Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump, to make statements about public policy. In a letter sent to Mr. Trump on Tuesday, lawyers for several users he has blocked argued that his account was a “public forum” from which the government may not constitutionally exclude people because it disagrees with views they have expressed.

“This Twitter account operates as a ‘designated public forum’ for First Amendment purposes, and accordingly the viewpoint-based blocking of our clients is unconstitutional,” the letter said. “We ask that you unblock them and any others who have been blocked for similar reasons.”



  1. If it is his personal account, they may not have a leg to stand on!

  2. Awww... The Liberals are upset because they aren't allowed to go insane anywhere they choose! They are totally allowed to create their own "public forum," thus allowing them to go nuts on their own page, but they want to be allowed to do it absolutely any where ever they want. The ramifications, if they get their way, could open up arguments on just what is a public forum, and eventually making road blocking by protesters, possibly legal.

    On that thought, you better not get in my way if you are blocking the street while "exercising your 1st amendment right." It won't end well.

  3. Seriously? It is a private Twitter account, not a government one. He can block whom ever he chooses!! I do not use Twitter but use Face Book. Are they saying I can't block people who I disagree with?? Stupid!!

  4. Just how is Twitter (or Facebook) a "public" forum? I can't post on either of them. I never requested an account or privilege and neither will allow me to post anything.

  5. Problem is Twitter allows ALL the negatiive tweets and blocks the positive tweets from #MAGA supporters, those of us who use twitter see it daily.

  6. 6:37 I opened a twitter account to first, give a shout of support to our President, and then to "troll" all the "journalists" who think they are more important than him, even calling Hillary a Lying Bitch on her site, less than a week ago during her "excuses" nation tour. It was posted and I am not blocked. Not sure about your claim, but I really don't post daily. About once or twice a week. Actually, I was BRUTAL on Maxine Waters site less than 2 weeks ago! It was still posted, along with a lot more descriptive comments from others! I found it, entertaining and a good read.

  7. And so it begins. The President being sidetracked from his gov't duties with lame bullship like this. Libs will continue this hunt until next elections, then if they win (help us) Republicans do the same (just like during the last 8 years) and WE are in the middle as the debt continues.

    When are we gonna wake up from this awful dream and talk about Ciggy Butts/cussing/performers on the boardwalk again?

  8. Twitter is Trump's own personal right to free speech... to us. Feedback is just that and not relevant to any first amendment right to anybody. If he blocks all, he's in his right under the 4th A. He doesn't have to be intruded upon by protestors.

  9. Social Media is an accessory to anarchy against the US. There is a difference between free speech and threatening people and the overthrow of our democracy. Time to draw the lines. Start holding Social Media outlets responsible for the post along with the ones posting.

  10. Liberals/terrorist calling the President derogatory names because they don't like what he says and order him not to say it?Then they sue because their 1st amendment is violated?


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