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Friday, June 16, 2017

'Time to Destroy Trump & Co.': Scalise Shooter Raged on Facebook

James T. Hodgkinson, 66, identified by law enforcement officials as the deceased gunman who opened fire on Republican lawmakers at a Virginia baseball field, was "living out of his gym bag" in Alexandria, The Washington Post reported.

Further, Hodgkinson who was shot and mortally wounded by police during the rampage, had been at the YMCA early Wednesday before he went to the ballfield where he allegedly carried out the attack, the Post reported.

"He was a very friendly person. But what I did notice about this gentleman is he'd open up his gym bag and in it, he had everything he owned. He was living out of the gym bag. That, and he sat in the Y’s lobby for hours and hours," former Alexandria mayor Bill Euille told the Post.



  1. Trump and Republicans are not responsible for the way his life turned out, Trump has not even been in office a year, and I think he was clearly older than a year old. Everyone has got to quit blaming someone else for their messed up life. If out of work he could have found another job, if no home he could have worked to rent or buy another. If family problems either work on them or move on. Please please stop the pity train.

  2. Put "Obama" at the end and its the same thimg ive heard you guys scream for 8 years

  3. Another homeless man who snapped because he couldn't hold it together long enough to support himself. Had to blame someone. Make sure you are not blaming someone.

  4. He left his wife and family because he could't handle that, then went AWOL. I pray every day for President Trump for exactly this reason.

    Pleas, Donald, stay tuned at a higher rate than your SS agents are at ALL TIMES!

    Thank you for being my President, and I am looking forward for the next 8 years, but please, stay vigilant!

    God has blessed you, and He has blessed us in turn, with you. We love you like you love us, and we know you do because you demonstrate that every day you have lived.


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