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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Theater That Put On Trump Assassination Play Gets New $100,000 Grant

The Public Theater in New York has received an additional $100,000 grant from the federal government, fresh off its controversy for staging a Julius Caesar production where a Donald Trump lookalike is assassinated.

Just days after controversy over the graphic mock Trump killing began, the National Endowment for the Arts announced its newest round of grants.

The Public Theater received $100,000 for its New York Shakespeare Festival. This time the theater will do performances of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

The NEA denied that any previous funding went to the production of Julius Caesar..

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  1. WTF?? Why is Congress and Trump allowing this?

  2. This is absolute insanity. Can I stop paying taxes now as they are being used to fund treason?

  3. Happens all the time politicians giving your tax dollars away.


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