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Saturday, June 17, 2017

The U.S. Will Not Support Human Rights Violations in Cuba

WASHINGTON, DC: This week, President Trump announced plans to revise components of former President Obama’s opening to Cuba. Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement expressing support for the change in policy:

“President Trump continues to deliver on his campaign promises. The Cuban government is a military dictatorship guilty of gross human rights violations. Unfortunately, funds from U.S. companies and tourists are benefitting the Communist regime and its military – not the Cuban people. The president’s swift action ensures that business transactions between American companies and legitimate Cuban companies empower the Cuban people and promote a fair society. The U.S. Embassy in Havana will remain open, and the U.S. government will continue to promote democracy in Cuba. It is important that we, as a nation, do not encourage the Cuban regime’s political and religious persecution of its own people.”


  1. Agree with President Trump, 100%. We spend too much of our money abroad without the return benefits.

  2. Acting like they CARE about human rights abuses, all whilst waging war after war against civilians all around the globe. That is our government folks. Sad.

  3. Having just been to Cuba and going back in a few weeks, this is propaganda. I spent very little time in Havana where the american tourists are, but was in several small towns along the coast. The cuban people I met were happy, hard working, some owned their own businesses and others worked for them. Saw some canadians and europeans but only 2 other americans which was great. Very little crime and I felt safe during the day and at night.


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