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Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Social and Legal Arguments for Allowing Women to Go Topless in Public

Advocates of female toplessness say current laws enforce damaging views of women's bodies.

In early August, 33-year-old Phoenix Feeley began a 16-day jail sentence in New Jersey for refusing to pay fines from 2008 when she was arrested for sunbathing topless at a Spring Lake beach. She spent nine days on a hunger strike before being released early from Monmouth County Jail on August 14.

Feeley is part of Go Topless, an organization that advocates for women’s right to go topless on the basis of gender equality. The group says its objective is not to push for a world where everyone goes sans shirt, but rather to push back against what they see as an infringement of women’s constitutional right not to be discriminated against on the basis of gender. The question is: Why should women be barred from going topless where men are not? It’s a question that quickly takes its debaters from an analysis of legality to the subtleties of how men and women are treated by the law and society.



  1. Great article. Those prudes in fear of the boob may want to read it and get over their phobia.

  2. There are NO 'social or legal' arguments that matter...It's wrong. period

    1. Yep we the majority have more say than the minority it belongs on a PRIVATE BEACH.

  3. be careful what you wish for, it can come back to bite you. Look at the male running in sports as a women.

    You are not equal to men, you were not made that way. You are different, and better in some things, not in others. Same goes for men. It is okay to be different and judged by your group you are in.

    Equality is a joke, in the end - you will accomplish nothing.

  4. well I say this is just a plot to entrap all us muslim men, you know we won't be able to control ourselves being raised to you know, rape and kill the infidels and since all women, except my mom and sisters, are whores it's ok! although I'm not to sure about my sisters!

  5. There's an easy way to avoid the constitutional "equal protection" argument -- pass a law that nobody -- male, female or other -- can go topless, so that all are equal under the law!

  6. 9:55 equality is a joke? Wanna know I know you're a white male? Haha

  7. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Read Your Stupid Asinine CommentJune 12, 2017 at 10:41 AM

    Please tell us 1038, when are you having a cross installed in your front yard? Crosses are "THE" prop for all martyrs.

  8. Same liberal women protesting for Sharia law shows how insane they are.

  9. 9:29 Nothing prudish about not wanting the general public to be subjected to nudity. This isn't France.

  10. I see this more as a morality issue and respect for women. What happened to the "my eyes are up here buddy" mentality? It becomes confusing when women want the same rights as men regarding baring their chests while at the same time crying foul and claiming sexual harassment. Which is it girls?

  11. I say if they're under forty years old and hot, then yes. If they fail to meet the aforementioned parameters then no.

  12. Makes no difference to me. I haven't been to the beach in over 25 years. but I'll promise you'll have more sexual assaults and issues like that with women claiming the victim.

  13. What if one is a female but identifies as a male? Remembe the bathroom issue?

  14. 1:03 has a very valid point. Congrats!!

  15. 1:03, it means they have mental issues

  16. Sodom and Gomorrah all over again, we have learned nothing!


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