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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

The Army will offer soldiers $90K to re-enlist in efforts to expand its ranks

In an effort to increase its ranks and convince reluctant soldiers to re-enlist, the Army will triple the amount of bonuses it's paying this year to more than $380 million, according to the Associated Press. Some soldiers could get as much as $90,000 up front by committing to another four or more years.

The incentive comes as the army hopes to reverse a downsizing trend that was seen under the Obama administration after years of growth brought upon by the wars in the Middle East.

The enlistment campaign was driven by Congress' decision late last year to expand the size of teh Army--a frequently touted tenet of President Trump's military strategy.



  1. Getting ready for another war front.
    Don't take the bait folks.

    All wars are bankers' wars.

    War is a racket - Gen Smedley Butler

  2. I'll take the bait! Can I keep my Social Security payments?

  3. 6:09 Don't be stupid....if there is a war there will be no SS payments for anyone.

  4. Going to need 28,000 replacements after the first salvo in N. Korea. They have over 7000 artillery guns aimed at Soul and our other bases.

  5. Yeah so the VA can say they over paid you 15 years later and demand you repay them.

  6. Skynet will put a remedy to this!!! Don't laugh either with drones, driverless cars, computers that compute billions of computations in seconds.

    May not be a bad idea to keep that land-line working as well as the mattress filled with $$$$$!

    (snicker snicker!)


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