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Friday, June 16, 2017

Teacher Flips Off White House While On Tour With His Middle School Students- Parents Respond

School trips to D.C. to explore the capitol and take photos in front of the White House are common enough, but one Missouri middle school teacher decided that being childish and disrespectful is exactly the way he wanted to remember his chaperoning duties.

The image shows the teacher, Lynn Miller, flipping off the White House. The image was uploaded to Facebook. None of the nine students witnessed the initial photo being taken, but it was later found on his profile page. It turns out that the science teacher at Warrensburg Middle School told students earlier, while at the airport in Kansas City that he would “give the finger” to the White House (and, we assume, its Presidential occupant).

As reported by Fox4 in Kansas City,

John Hammond says his 14-year old daughter, Corrine, was one of nine students who went on a school-endorsed trip to Washington D.C. last week. While students were outside the White House on June 2nd, one teacher, Mr. Lynn Miller, who was serving as a chaperone, snapped a photo of himself making an ugly gesture toward the White House.



  1. Disrespect is rampant these days..is this a teacher or a student? Are there no adults anymore? All I see is a bunch of people acting like children and teaching children to be idiots especially the liberals out there. They lie, give sad excuses and take no responibility.this teacher should be fired, this wasn't a vacation it was a school sanctioned trip.

  2. And this is what is out there leading the youth of today?

  3. There is no hope for the kids. Home school may be the answer. FFT (map)

  4. The left demand respect but are the worst violators of giving it if someone doesn't agree with them.

  5. Even his students disapproved.

  6. Should be fired and never aloud to teach again regardless of who the President is at the time.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Should be fired and never aloud to teach again regardless of who the President is at the time.

    June 16, 2017 at 6:43 PM

    *allowed* but besides that, what does a president have to do with it?


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