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Thursday, June 08, 2017

SURPRISE! Trump’s Nominee For FBI Director Has A Clinton-CRUSHING Resume

President Trump trolled the left today. While they were fixated on congressional testimony, holding their breath for Trump to be tied to Russia (which didn’t happen by the way), he nominated Christopher A. Wray as the head of the FBI to replace James Comey. Wray is a top-notch white collar criminal defense attorney and he served a stint under George W. Bush in the DOJ as the head of the Criminal Division. He has a hell of a resume and a long list of credentials. I consider him a very good pick for the position.

While at the Department of Justice, Wray worked at cleaning up corporate fraud and handling corruption in the financial markets. He was involved in the bankruptcy of the Enron Corporation. He also handled drug traffickers, intellectual property thieves and distributors of child pornography during his tenure. He specializes in white collar crimes as well. This guy is a legal pit bull.



  1. So, maybe this is why Trump fired Comey. Comey would not or could not follow through with prosecuting the Clintons and it sounds like this guy is up to the challenge.

  2. Corporate fraud, pornographers, sex trafficking.... he sounds like just the guy to get the job done.


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