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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Steen Jakobsen: 60% Probability Of Recession In The Next 18 Months

Steen Jakobsen back on, Chief Investment Officer of Saxo Bank, returns to the podcast this week to share with us the warning signs of slowing economic growth he's seeing in major markets all over the world.

In his view, the world economy is sputtering badly. So badly, that he's confident predicting a global recession by 2018 -- or sooner:

The 'credit impulse' -- defined as net new credit to GDP -- has gone negative in the world for the first time since the start of the Great Recession that we had in 2008 -2009.



  1. There's also a 60% I have fungus

  2. Say 60% Trump trumps that idea and there's a 60% chance he prevents it!!


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