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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

State Board of Education votes to launch Prince George's County Public Schools grade-fixing probe

BALTIMORE - The Maryland State Board of Education voted unanimously Tuesday to launch a third-party investigation into claims of grade fixing and other fraud in Prince George's County Public Schools.

FOX 5 broke the story that teachers and staff members report being under tremendous pressure to increase the high school graduation rate. Some say they have personally been told make sure grades are changed for failing students. Four Prince George's County school board members contacted Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan to say they have evidence of "widespread systemic corruption” in the school system.

After FOX 5’s report, Hogan called for a thorough, exhaustive investigation.



  1. PG County is the poster child for what's wrong with government and all that government touches.

  2. PG County sure does love the MGM Hotel/Casino revenue!!!!!!!!!

    At what cost you ask? The children of course!!!!! Boost their grades and WE all look good.

    Uh - doesn't work that easily when your county has a history of BAD GRADES/GRADUATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What happens why you lie/cheat/steal? You ALWAYS get caught!!!!!!!!!

  3. This goes on all over. Remember O'malley's lies about MD Schools are #1 in the country? They are or were ONLY #1 because of stuff like this. The fact is anything that ever comes out of a democrats mouth is a lie. ALL democrats lie constantly.

  4. Can't wait to see what "neutral third party" conducts the "investigation". Hope it's not the FBI.

  5. Got to do something to make it look like the Thugettes are passing.


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