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Friday, June 23, 2017

Starbucks Plans to Hire 2,500 Asylum Seekers in Europe

U.S. coffee giant Starbucks has announced plans to hire 2,500 asylum seekers across Europe in the next five years as part of a worldwide initiative.

The coffee company announced earlier this year they would be seeking to fill around 10,000 positions over the next five years with asylum seekers in the 75 countries in which they operate. New reports claim that around 2,500 of those asylum seekers hires will take place in Europe, Neue Presse reports.

The initiative, which was announced in January, is the brainchild of former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz who made the pledge in response to an executive order travel ban by U.S. President Donald Trump.

The decision sparked controversy and some took to calling for a boycott of the company on social media with one user on Twitter writing: “Hiring 10K refugees makes liberals feel warm BUT we have homeless vets that need those jobs. #BoycottStarbucks.”

More here


  1. Not going there anymore

  2. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!June 23, 2017 at 11:55 AM

    Haven't been to a Starbucks since their grand CEO announced he was employing refugees from Middle East. Won't go back. They lost my business a long time ago. Anything else is just more nails in an already-sealed coffin IMO.

  3. dont think they will find any of them willing to work

  4. I quit buying their coffee since the election when they stated that straight heterosexual couples who are against gay marriage or voted for Trump are not welcome in their stores. I no longer go there or buy their coffee in the grocery store. CEO like Target is an A hole!!!!!!

  5. I go to Dunkin Donuts instead, went there today for an excellent cappuccino.

  6. That does it for me ,No More Starbucks.


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