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Thursday, June 08, 2017

St. Louis begins process to remove Confederate monument from Forest Park

ST. LOUIS – There appears to be some move activity around the Confederate monument in Forest Park by city of St. Louis workers. Koran Addo tells FOX 2 that fencing is going up around the monument.

This is the first step in removing the monument. Engineers will need to figure out the best way to take the monument down. This could take weeks to complete.

The Confederate monument was placed in the park in 1914 by the Daughters of the Confederacy. About two year ago, then-mayor Francis Slay created a committee to discuss how to remove the monument.



  1. To the democrats this is an accomplishment. Never mind the inner cites are cess pools of crime and poverty. Never mind little black children are getting their brains blown out in the crossfire. Never mind the majority of these kids if they live will never finish high school and if they do the majority can't read. Let's all forget about that and get rid of those statues.

  2. And what are the Republicans doing to help them? By taking away healthcare?

  3. Since society is trying so hard to get rid of our "horrible" past of slavery, confederacy, etc, are they going to stop using it as an excuse to try to get something for nothing?

  4. Does anyone both to look up the conditions associated when the gift of statuary is presented? Does it revert back to the donor group? Is it owned outright by the city which can move or destroy it at will? There are probably agreements about who would provide upkeep, repair, etc. and how that would be addressed in situations like this.

  5. Removing monuments honoring traitors is not a bad thing to do.

  6. Every time I see mention of Harriet tubman in dorchester county it reminds me of slavery. That all needs to go too.

  7. " Anonymous said...

    And what are the Republicans doing to help them? By taking away healthcare?

    June 8, 2017 at 4:40 PM"

    The Republicans are NOT I repeat NOT taking away healthcare! Where in the hell do you people get your information from!!!!! That's is Fake News. 100 percent FAKE. With the Republian plan you are not penalized if you do not get insurance. The thought is then people won't get it and that is where the liars are getting those numbers from. People will willingly chose to not get insurance.
    4:40 Please please do yourself a favor and educate yourself. You look like either you are low information or a liar just like all democrats are.

  8. and 4:40 how in the hell is having healthcare going to prevent inner city black thugs from splattering the streets with the brains and blood of innocent black children caught in the crossfire?????
    Start thinking before making idiotic comments that make zero sense!

  9. I wish someone would take away the TWENTY TRILLLLLLION DOLLAR DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That I would like REMOVED FROM HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. When our history is erased, corrupted, twisted, and omitted, all citizens will be sorry. We're doomed to repeat history and if we don't know where we were we won't know where we are and where we're going...

    History should NEVER be erased...If you have 'old history books', keep them as a treasure to pass down to your family.

  11. @5:53

    Sounds like you need a little educating.

    The new republican plan will put those who can't afford to buy health care (the ones who are subsidized now so they can afford to buy it) into a position where they can't purchase it. If they can't buy it after a certain time, they go on a "risky" list so when they want to purchase it, it now will cost more money.

    Almost ensuring that the poor have no access to health care.

    Obama care was bad.
    This new republican plan is an abomination.

    OH! Did you know that pre-existing conditions are now a thing again?

    Our entire health care scam is a joke. It's a giant extortionist money grab.


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