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Monday, June 19, 2017

SPD Press Release 6-19-17 (Detectives make arrest in BB&T Bank Robbery)

Editor's Note:  Can someone at the SPD please fix your website.  Your press releases are not reaching the website.  Some people do not have Facebook and twitter.


  1. One more person who painted himself into a corner with drugs and bad choices.

  2. SPD fix their website? Yeah, right. They don't want to fix their website because nothing happens in Salisbury, remember?

  3. With all the tats and no attempt to "cover up", either this guy is incredibly stupid or just plain tired of living on the dole. 26 yoa, and I'm sure all he has ever known is how to swindle, shake down, beg, borrow, or steal.

  4. ok can someone please tell me was this arrest performed by the salisbury pizza delivery or the kops?

  5. 829, believe I'd lean heavily on STUPID!

  6. Thank God for a good camera. Every business needs to update their security systems. Better pictures more arrest.


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