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Friday, June 02, 2017

"Since You're Misquoting Merkel Let Me Tell You What She Actually Said" ...


  1. Leftist reporters twist statements to suit their agenda they are such scumbags.

  2. It's well past time that the rest of the world carried its own water without the pocketbook of the U.S.

  3. Who cares what old Mother Hubbard the German matron has to say anyway. Used toilet paper has more value then anything that trash has to say.

  4. I give major props to Sean Spicer. All the BS he has to deal with on a daily basis is staggering. Knowing that each day you are walking in to a place filled with hate and hoping to see your bosses downfall. God Bless him.

  5. Trump Administration points out biased reporting by quoting Chancellor Merkel.
    Time for Fake News to admit defeat, anything less serves to contribute to their demise.

  6. Yes, tell it like it is, not how they'd like it to be! Fantasy ends where reality begins.


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