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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Shakespeare Farce gets a Shout Down in NYC!

By Thornton Crowe

Last night, during the Shakespeare in the Park performance in Central Park, Trump supporter and Rebel Media journalist, Laura Loomer, got up on stage in the middle of the Trump assassination scene and created a scene of her own.

Loomer, a staunch Trump proponent, after reading Donald Trump, Jr.'s tweet about this cleverly disguised propaganda programming disguised as a 'play,' jumped up on stage and told the crowd they were being indoctrinated to kill the President. The incident lasted for about ten minutes before security removed her from the stage, while another Trump supporter, Jack Posobiec yelled to the crowd, "Goebbels would be proud."

In a surreal moment prior to Loomer's interruption, it was like a scene out of Leni Riefenstahl's Nazi propaganda film, Triumph of the Will, where mindless bots looked at the stage, expressionless and chanting whatever they're told. Therefore, in truth, Loomer and Posobiec were completely right about the mass indoctrination of the public under the guise of 'art.'

Posobiec was not arrested because he merely shouted from his seat in the audience; however, he was removed by security along with Loomer.

Of course, Loomer was arrested for her interruption and the Public Theater of New York is pressing 'trespassing' charges; however, shockwaves went out among the conservatives backing Trump as they herald her for her bravery. People like Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Fox & Friends and Dinesh D'Souza chimed in to congratulate the young Jewish female activist, applauding her for her actions and daring to stand up for her own First Amendment right to speak out against the horrific ruse.

Unlike ANTIFA, she didn't wear a mask or banish a tire iron ready to beat people up - perhaps if she had, she wouldn't have been arrested. Because as we all remember all too well, the folks at Berkeley didn't arrest ANTIFA rioters when they beat victims with weapons and sprayed pepper spray in their eyes.

She has been formerly charged with creating a public disturbance and trespassing -- much more than any ANTIFA member has been charged with to date.

For those of you who know the real story of Julius Caesar, Shakespeare's version was a commentary of a friend/associate who stabbed his close friend in the back - not advocating leaders to be assassinated in a mass killing with multiple assailants. From the looks of this 'play,' there doesn't seem to be many 'friends' among the players. Therefore, it is not even close to any stretch of an interpretation of the Shakespearean play.

Isn't it time conservatives rise up and stop accepting this political violence by the left? It's not like Loomer is a big burly man; she's a petite woman. If she can be this brave, why don't you?

Note: The play runs for two more nights before closing, and activists like Mike Cernovich have put it out in the airwaves, anything could happen during those two performances. We'll just have to see how it all shakes out!

A clip of the event:


  1. Today the liberals are all over the news, shocked that finally a conservative reared up and protested back! They telling us how we should protest. Thing is, if a liberal gives you advice, it's always to their advantage so don't even listen. They don't like it when what they do comes back at them. What goes around comes around. Karma is the eternal bitch.

  2. I don't understand how she is trespassing when she bought a ticket allowing her entry to the facility

  3. I cant wait for the liberal war to start bc i am going to do some snowflake stompping.

  4. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!June 17, 2017 at 5:26 PM

    Art is meant to challenge the viewer, not incite brutal violence against another person. This is not art, this is propaganda. There is a very distinct difference with no wiggle room. The Public Theatre of NY should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this garbage to continue and what's worse, is the people who patronize it and think it's acceptable for their small children to witness.

  5. During the Third Reich the Jews stood by and let them take over the culture around them. Are we going to repeat history?

  6. 5:36 PM Apparently

  7. If this were a play going on with the Salisbury Players, wonder if everyone here would be so complacent about this? Just wondering aloud.

  8. 9:47 PM

    Do you think that the Salisbury Players might substitute a Trump lookalike as one of the sisters' elderly make victims in Arsenic and Old Lace?

  9. Glad to see this, and I hope she's joined by hundreds the next showings of this crap!


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