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Sunday, June 04, 2017

Setting the Record Straight

West Main Street, Salisbury, MD
Yesterday we got a comment from someone who seemed to have intimate knowledge of the City Administrator Julia Glanz wedding. We didn't publish the comment because the rest of it contain language we reject, we did take issue with something they said about the wedding. They claimed no street was blocked off for the wedding, however, as you can see from the picture, the chairs are in the middle of the street. There are also businesses all around the intersection where the wedding took place, when the commenter said there weren't any businesses right there.

These two images show clearly the entire street is brick at this point, a leftover from the brilliant person who made it a plaza sometime in the seventies or eighties and then turned it back into a drivable road.

If this was one of the Glanzs this is the reason we didn't post your comment because it was untrue. Why do officials in this area lie to the public in order to hide their activities? The road being closed for a short ceremony probably wouldn't be a big deal but lying about it is a huge deal. This is the reason why we posted these pictures to set this record straight.

Some comments from yesterday expressed upset about the road being closed and worried city services were used to clean up the mess afterwards. As taxpayers, this is a valid complaint because most citizens, unless friends with city hall don't have the luxury of being able to have our weddings anywhere we want without any regard to other people's situations.

If you didn't want the wedding to be public then why have it in the middle of the street. If you didn't want people to see the images don't post them on Facebook. If you don't want comments then don't be a city official. We're amazed at the protest about the post because we didn't get the same kinds of protests when we posted John Cannon's wedding picture a few months back in a derogatory article about his relationship with Sheriff Mike Lewis (who officiated his wedding at Headquarters Live).

If you're a pubic official using a public street for your wedding then chances are eventually some press will cover your wedding. The problem here it is Salisbury News who covered the Glanz wedding which for some reason pisses city hall off even though we wrote nothing negative in the post, we just announced it like any other media in town.


  1. Sounds like Mayor Day's trolls were busy. I guess the silver lining would be that someone at city hall is working for their paycheck!

  2. This would've been dropped if the person didn't write in a bunch of garbage. Like I really wanted to see more on this gay wedding thing but it's asinine to lie when by the pictures the truth can be seen. Democrats always mistake everyone else as being as stupid as they are. "Don't believe what you see. Believe what I tell you is true." Dumba**es they deserve all the nasty comments from yesterday.

  3. What can you expect? She works in Salisbury local government. She's primed to lie and probably encourage to by Day. They're not full of integrity like Dems would like all to believe. The dishonesty is something they use as a tool to make themselves look better because in the end they know they're a fraud.

  4. Should've held it on booth st. because Da'bury is so safe.

  5. Lying about your wedding to make yourself look like you were just diligent Jane? How tacky.

  6. If they said the street wasn't blocked off then it was. You have to remember these are democrats you are dealing with and all democrats lie about everything all the time. They are also an ignorant bunch. If they had owned that yes the street was blocked off yesterday instead of lying about it comments would have come yesterday and been done with.
    Now because they are democrats and don't have one honest or moral bones in their bodies they have now found themselves another topic today.

  7. Call Jake Day and raise hell!

  8. 1138 why would call city hall and raise hell? what good would that do? it seems like a silly place to have a wedding but these two gals thought it was just fine.

  9. That was a gimmick to attract all those primary residential homebuyers who are dying to replace the slumlords of Salisbury!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I was going to send you a picture where the streets were blocked. Glad you posted this.

  12. 237 it's sick the way people on the Left lie like dogs. They have no morals, no couth. Nothing but lawless, mannerless imbeciles. Just so unattractive regardless of sexual preference.

  13. How much of our taxpayers dollars paid for this?


  15. Hogs Gone Wild!

  16. Julia Glanz did not get that job because she was the most qualified, she got the job because she was one of the Democrats gay friends. She was one of the 'good ole boys.'

    Shame on Muir Boda for not voting against her. He knew this about her and voted yes. Shame on him and I will make sure he doesn't get my vote for re-election. I am also going to bring his actions up at the next Republican Club meeting.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like Mayor Day's trolls were busy. I guess the silver lining would be that someone at city hall is working for their paycheck!

    June 1, 2017 at 8:55 AM

    I'm sure a lot of those comments defending Julia was Jake Day.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This would've been dropped if the person didn't write in a bunch of garbage. Like I really wanted to see more on this gay wedding thing but it's asinine to lie when by the pictures the truth can be seen. Democrats always mistake everyone else as being as stupid as they are. "Don't believe what you see. Believe what I tell you is true." Dumba**es they deserve all the nasty comments from yesterday.

    June 1, 2017 at 9:35 AM


    The Democrats demand that you believe their lies and if a Republican straight person did this you can bet your sweet a** that they would be in front of city hall protesting.

  19. I don't know about you, but who the heck would want to get married on that ghetto skreet anyhoo.

  20. Anonymous said...
    What can you expect? She works in Salisbury local government. She's primed to lie and probably encourage to by Day. They're not full of integrity like Dems would like all to believe. The dishonesty is something they use as a tool to make themselves look better because in the end they know they're a fraud.

    June 1, 2017 at 10:11 AM

    That reminds me of all those likes that Josh Hastings was telling when he was trying to get elected to the county council and he was telling everyone that he was a "moderate" and then telling groups of people that he was a "Republican." Thank God that Joe Albero caught him lying to people and exposed him on that.

    Josh Hastings lied about being a "Republican" and the whole time he was the president of the local Wicomico County Democrat Club. Josh Hastings, Julia Glanz, Jake Day and Jim Ireton were all members of the Democrat Club and still are. Oh, and don't forget Sarah Rayne, she was an active member in that Liars Club and still is.

    Thank you Joe Albero for speaking the truth. It was YOUR election to lose!

  21. Anonymous said...
    Should've held it on booth st. because Da'bury is so safe.

    June 1, 2017 at 10:14 AM

    Not much better

  22. Anonymous said...
    How much of our taxpayers dollars paid for this?

    June 1, 2017 at 3:38 PM

    Not sure, but there are costs involved.


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