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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Seattle Min Wage Hikes Crushing The Poor: 6,700 Jobs Lost, Annual Wages Down $1,500 - UofW Study

Just last week we noted that McDonalds launched plans to replace 2,500 human cashiers with digital kiosks like the ones below (see:McDonalds Is Replacing 2,500 Human Cashiers With Digital Kiosks: Here Is Its Math):

Of course, no matter how much anecdotal and/or hard evidence is presented to liberals on the negative consequences on higher minimum wages they simply can't be convinced it's a bad idea. Somehow, the basic economic concept that raising the price of good (i.e. wages) would somehow destroy demand (i.e. employment levels) for that good just does not compute in the minds of progressives.



  1. Be careful what you ask for. Problem here is a problem with ALL Democratic run states, counties, cities and more; they have NO clue regarding how business operates. Socialists will take as much money as they can until it runs out.

  2. Yep, that democrat Bill Gates had no idea how to make money. Steve Jobs either. Dumb democrats.

  3. 11:04 - I agree with you, dumb democrats. That is from the view of the citizens these democrats are supposed to be representing and looking out for. These dumb democrats simply line their own pockets. Look what they have done to Illinois.

  4. So tired of the media and corporate propaganda. Lets just keep everyone in poverty and tax the heck out of everyone else to subsidize the low wages they pay while making record profits. Anyone that believes this bs is an idiot. The reason we have minimum wages is because employers are so dishonest. they brought it on themselves, and won't "get it" until no one wants to work for them anymore.

  5. Liberals have proven themselves time and time again around the country that they know nothing about business or how to keep a business going.look at Illinois on the verge of bankruptcy.

  6. 11:04

    Bill Gates mad money the rue way dumbocrats do it. He stole an operating system from CP/M got his foot in the door and then created a monopoly by copying MAC OS

  7. Funny.
    Gates and Jobs were intelligence assets who are the front men for work which was accomplished by teams of technicians.
    It is naive to believe otherwise. Research their familial blood lines.

  8. The Federal Gov needs to Make it ILLEGAL for employers to
    Play the > just cut your hours Game after a Raise is Given

    Problem Solved !!!!!!!!!!!

  9. And what have you done? I bet not much other than work for someone else.


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