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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Salisbury MSP Press Release - Prostitution Sting 6-15-17


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  4. Why isnt spd doing there own stings ? oh i forgot there too busy covering up crime not preventing crime.

  5. MSP needs to stick to writing there friends tickets ...
    and why are they doing stings and not wcso and spd ? ohhh wcso is too busy driving little mike to oc and spd is to busy making welfare thugs Pizza ? damn disgrace.

    1. Learn proper English before you criticize others. It's "their" friends

  6. What a waste of time and money, if a wife can't or won't make her husband happy, he should be able to go and visit a professional.

  7. 11:50 PM - Did you not make the grade to be hired by SPD? There's some anger here that needs some attention before you buy your next pizza.

    1. I complain about the useless police CHEF and i am a flunky that failed a police test lol the truth hurts i bet your one of her brown nose LTs ?

    2. The police have a CHEF? Who knew. Also, the "I" should be capitalized, there should be a period after the word "test", lol should be capitalized and then a period inserted, "the" should be capitalized as it starts a sentence, there should be a comma after "hurts", again, "I" should be capitalized, "your" should be "you're" as you are trying to say "you are" and lastly, the whole thing should end with a period since you didn't ask a question. Now I know why you failed a test. You can't write above a 2nd grade level.

  8. 12:40 That is the dumbest thing I ever heard.

  9. S alisbury
    P izza
    D elivery

  10. Very sad waste of time and resources.The alleged elite of the State need to spend their time catching murderers - like the one on my street last week- which remains unsolved- Isn't that what they're trained for? Very embarrassing for the MSP who think lonely men having sex with willing adults is punishable and worthy of any news whatsoever.

    1. They should stick to writing tickets to grandma.

  11. OMG cant believe some of the names on there.

    1. Go back to your basement snowflake.

  12. Lamont Morton is a school bus driver. OMG

  13. Chip Leonard?!? Wow. Bet his wife is mad and embarrassed.

  14. U put a worm the fish will take the bait too bad they aren't more into getting the child pervs off of these sites. Set up 100%. It funny and sad at the same time cuz I know one of them.

  15. Hepatitis anyone!Aids anyone! Crabs without old bay anyone! Do these idiots realize the diseases the prostitutes carry.The women are most likely herion addicts. The police need to be doing this it's a health service.Know a poor woman in her 50s that got aids from her husband sleeping with these women.

  16. don't blame a wife for a man doing this.men should know their place.if you love your wife you talk to them not go to a hooker.

  17. It's what it is but like the one person said murders out here u should be able to buy what u want it will help keep the rape crime down I guess they can't tax that money that's the problem this country and county is f up

  18. June 16, 2017 at 2:18 PM

    You sure wasted a lot of people's time with that "english" lesson.

    (you gonna correct me about english not being capitalized?)

  19. Anonymous said...
    11:50 PM - Did you not make the grade to be hired by SPD? There's some anger here that needs some attention before you buy your next pizza.

    June 16, 2017 at 2:43 AM

    No, actually I scored much hire and became a Firefighter!!

  20. Wow Chip Leonard! I had no idea he was a low life snake Trolling for low life HOOKERS. I thought he was a great family man, involved in Fruitland Little League with his kids. Then he moved to that nice Development in Berlin, Glen Riddle. I guess Hoity Toity wasn't his game.

    I think they had beach property or something as well. Not sure what his wife is thinking or were thinking or even if she new about it. I checked his FB page and it was all about Fathers Day and being a great daddy. They were posting pictures of recent get togethers like nothing happened. I am assuming he has a mental illness if he doesn't have enough sense to think this isn't a good idea?? No telling what other diseases he has now.


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