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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Safety of probation officers in Delaware "ignored," according to FOP Lodge President

Is the Department of Correction doing enough to ensure the safety of Delaware's probation and parole officers?

Todd Mumford, President of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 10, the collective bargaining agency for probation and parole officers in Delaware, claims the DOC has "ignored" requests to improve the safety and well-being of probation and patrol officers in the First State.

Several probation and parole officers have been injured in the line-of-duty throughout Delaware, most recently a probation officer was grazed by a bullet while conducting an administrative search in Wilmington.

Mumford is speaking out and demanding action. He fears that one of his fellow officers will die if nothing is done, which he said seems to be the only way change occurs in Delaware.



  1. At least Delaware PO's carry guns--Maryland PO's don't get that same protection.

  2. 5:55, Although, true that Delaware PO's carry guns. Maryland can do the same, but would have to push for that to happen.
    As a loved one of a DE probation officer, I worry for their safety as well as, police officers. Like police officers, they don't know what's behind that door when it opens or what sticky situation is there when they go into the community. I would like to see probation officers get body cams and treated the same as police officers. After all, they too put their life on the line everyday.


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