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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Roundup's main ingredient goes on list as cancerous

Officials in Fresno, California announced Monday that starting on July 7 the weed killer's main ingredient, glyphosate, will appear on a list the state keeps of potentially cancerous chemicals.

Adding the chemical to the list is a pivotal step toward California becoming the first state to require the popular weed killer Roundup to come with a label warning that it is known to cause cancer.

However, it's not certain whether Roundup will ultimately get a warning label.



  1. They won't get a warning label because they pay off the Government. The stuff is horrible and now with round up resistant GMO plants it's getting dumped onto fields and running off into our waterways.

  2. Everything is on California's cancer list

  3. Sh!t doesn't work anyway. Whatever you kill with it comes back mutated and even harder to eradicate.

  4. That stuff is safe as mother's milk. We been stirring it up by hand for years and my son is better than I am since he has 3 thumbs.

  5. Can they add Pelosi and Waters to the list?

  6. It bothers me that they use roundup to kill wheat to harvest it sooner. Makes you wonder how safe Breads and baked goods are to eat that have flour from Roundup harvested wheat? It is no wonder there is so much gluten intolerance and sickness out there. I never heard of this until recent years.

    1. They have modified the wheat seed some much that it is not the wheat (bread, pasta etc) of the past. Truth be told, it is very alarming and people should take note of their health more often.

  7. 346
    Not safe at all!
    I symptom is referred to by Doctors as, "Wheat Belly".
    Bloating and gas, then reflux disease into the esophagus.

    Must take little pills for the rest of your life once you develop this symptom.

  8. California is a cancer to the rest of the US

  9. 548
    I don't believe California is the problem.
    It is Monsanto (My Satan).

  10. There are many left leaners in california but good for them for this one. It has caused so much cancer with farmers just trying to make a living, along with people eating food tainted with it. We all eat it, there is no getting away from it. Monsanto could care less.


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