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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Removing The Railing On The River In Salisbury Maryland Was A Very Big Mistake

I'm not sure what Idiot thought removing the railing along the River Walk in Downtown Salisbury was a good idea but now they are calling yesterday's recovery a drowning. 

People, you need to let this Boy Mayor know how YOU feel about this. One look at this picture tells you there's no easy access to get out once you fall in. I say fall because no one is stupid enough to jump into that pile of crap. 


  1. sounds like a very good case for a lawsuit

  2. There's a definite disconnect in having a downtown that thrives on nighttime alcohol consumption and updating a riverwalk to not include railings.

    1. There's at least 1 ladder on the side.

    2. IF you can swim! There is nothing to identify it or say it is there. I idea is to NOT fall in the river 1st!!

  3. Oh - but according to one commenter, its your responsibility, not to fall in. Does that also apply to children?

  4. 1010 does "parental responsibility" ring any bells with you? You nanny state morons are so boring. Yawn. Yawn. And more Yawn!

  5. When you're reeling drunk, even a rail isn't going to keep you from toppling into the river when you stagger right beside it.

  6. So let says a few kids are walking along there and horsing around like kids do...one shoves the other and they fall in. How do they get out?

    1. Ladder are positioned all around inside but might require a little swim

  7. No way out. Even OC has a railing around the shoreline at Convention Center and 2nd street park.

  8. I love the river walk but this was bound to happen:((( some concerted to help prevent accidental fall ins would be good or more of this is likely to happen again. Not to mention, the Hazmat suit that is necessary if you dare touch that water 😷

  9. There are riverwalks all over this country with no railings. San Antonio has a gorgeous riverwalk covered with drunks and prostitutes and tourists and there is no railing.
    I don't agree with the mayor on a lot of things but he is trying really hard to clean up Salisbury. Cut him some slack. The riverwalk is really beautiful.
    If you get drunk and walk around in public, you may fall in a river. So. Don't get drunk and walk around in public. Not the mayor's fault.

  10. OSHA / MOSHA requires buildings with Public access to have safety glass. What is the difference along a waterway that a government has provided sidewalks / bulk heading at waters edge to not be held to the same safety regulations? The government is encouraging the Public to view the waterway up close. By this encouragement the government should be held accountable for the safety of the Public. They are not providing any type of warning ladder or safety equipment to be utilized if someone falls in. I would like to read a legal / OSHA / MOSHA opinion.

  11. personal responsibility? seriously? what fools! anyone old people, young people could lose their balance for a myriad of reasons and fall in with without a railing. total stupidity and I predict lawsuits galore!

  12. Anonymous said...
    When you're reeling drunk, even a rail isn't going to keep you from toppling into the river when you stagger right beside it.

    June 10, 2017 at 10:32 AM

    WTH is reeling drunk?

  13. Jake Day we told you so!! What's the harm in a little alcohol and live music?? Let's see a drowning and two shootings on the first night

  14. I remember reading something on here that Joe posed about a week or two ago about the missing railings. And people were making fun of Joe's concern.

  15. "I'm not sure what Idiot thought removing the railing along the River Walk in Downtown Salisbury was a good idea but now they are calling yesterday's recovery a drowning. "

    Sure you do, it was Jake Day. We all know that Jake Day is an idiot. We all know that Jake Day is the idiot.

  16. Jake Day thinks that signing a petition honoring a Southern Hero is and laughing at citizens on FB about it is more important than the Safety of Salisbury's citizens. This petition was created by a white boy reject who is a social misfit pimping for Black Lives Matters.

  17. 10:12 AM we'll see how your tune changes after the lawsuits come rolling in.

  18. It really doesn't matter at this point. Everyone saw this coming now pay the lawsuit to the family for rge city of Salisbury's negligence and move on. Let's see first night of the great Salisbury festival two shootings and a drowning. Way to go Jake day, this festival us and always has been nothing but trouble. You better hurry up and get out to Hebron so you and the cult leader cropper can pray over all the turmoil and loss of life this has created

  19. It really doesn't matter at this point. Everyone saw this coming now pay the lawsuit to the family for rge city of Salisbury's negligence and move on. Let's see first night of the great Salisbury festival two shootings and a drowning. Way to go Jake day, this festival us and always has been nothing but trouble. You better hurry up and get out to Hebron so you and the cult leader cropper can pray over all the turmoil and loss of life this has created

  20. 1032 is right if someone is pissed they will liable fall into the river with or without a railing. Some college kids would even purposefully jump in on a night-long binger. A rail would be an excellent idea but like so many things in Salisbury, it will never happen. Besides thought the river was supposed to be cleaned up by now. What happened with that feel-good initiative? It went bust as most things.

  21. Maybe the thugs will fall in at 2am.

  22. Have Iretons welfare crowd build DaWALL.

  23. Better put a safety barrier up at the boat ramp too. Somebody might drive into the river. We need to protect idiots from themselves.

    1. Someone already drove into the river at the boat ramp

  24. Though they shouldn't removed the railings, the inner harbor is too, barrierless. It is dangerous especially festival time. They been there years. Why remove them

    1. Day is framing out new welfare housing with it.

  25. The sidewalk is pitched toward the river for runoff. Hang on to those baby strollers!

    1. No it isn't. You've obviously never walked it. You sir are an idiot.

  26. the 'leaders' of Salisbury are not too bright. period

  27. The drowning is being investigated as a suspected suicide not an accident

  28. I fish along rivers all the time and there are no railings anywhere. It is your responsibility not to fall in. If someone got drunk and fell in they were irresponsible and are wholly responsible for their demise.

  29. Be responsible for yourself, it's not the governments responsibility.

  30. If we had any honest lawyers in this area, (wow what an oxymoron) they would pick up this case and sue the city and others for endangering not only the person who died but the public at large.


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