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Friday, June 02, 2017

Quieter Memorial Day weekend in OC

Although rain and overcasts skies dampened aspects of the Memorial Day weekend, Ocean City officials say the hundreds of thousands of people who came to the beach still kept the resort busy.

“It was a relatively calm weekend. The weather helped with that,” Beach Patrol Captain Butch Arbin said. “The water was warmer and the surf wasn’t rough. But it was still too cold for some people to go in.”

Lifeguards were in the stands for the first time this summer, as close to 100 surf rescue technicians were on the beach during the weekend. Arbin said roughly 43 of them were trainees.

“It usually works out the Memorial Day is perfect for training. There were a couple rescues, but nothing serious happened,” he said.



  1. Calm before the storm City Hall...the calm before the June Bug STORM! And no, you aren't ready again!

  2. The crouds are less and less...word is getting out the area down here is for Gangstas..

  3. 8:42 you're right. The local term should be changed to June Thug, though. Times have changed. With fewer police available and the emphasis on drunk drivers, the boards are going to be even worse this year. Not to mention the growing number of "homeless" have become more aggressive since the mayor declared them untouchable. This summer will be very interesting, and if Joe and SBY News get interested in OC's mayor and police chief's statistical maneuvering, they will find that Day and Duncan aren't the only ones playing fast and loose with the truth.

  4. Common Sense with your Nightly CocktailJune 2, 2017 at 9:33 PM

    What did Maryland and Delaware beaches expect would happen? They ban smoking and vaping on the beach or boardwalks. You don't find that in Tobacco state beach communities and you aren't hassled for it when it's outside in the open air. People get tired of being regulated to death. The minority rule is yesterday's sentiment and now, people have reach the point where they just go elsewhere. OC along with beaches in DE should've considered their policies might turn off tourists. Unfortunately, like so many, they have to try it and lose before they learn from the failure others had already learned before.

  5. How can you be a family-friendly resort when there's so many thugs running around? Remember last summer when BLM trolled the boardwalk starting trouble with white tourists? The local news didn't report it until this blog did, but they did begin to talk briefly about it. Who wants to deal with that garbage when they're trying to have a nice vacation with their kids? No one.

  6. Meehan and the city council specifically changed the advertising to target inner-city communities.

    1. 😂😂😂😂 advertising to the ppl less likely to afford vacations and not ones to go get a tan! Now THAT's hilarious. 😂😂😂😂

    2. 1117 Do they claim in the ads they take EBT cards at the local liquor stores! Cheers. 🍻🥂 cocktails anyone?

    3. Anyone in the innercity is only there to sell drugs and make trouble..I lived there briefly, none of these people swim or take baths..none of them are sunbathing.So other than drugging drinking and partying,really they don't belong down here.

  7. Inner-city advertising. 1117 you must be kidding. Seriously?

  8. 11:28 Seriously. To them, it was a market that had been ignored, but one that they thought would be viable. They took a little heat for it, but they still stand by it today, and have no plans to change it.


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