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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Questions the People Want Asked of James Comey

Many citizens throughout America are calling their senators and congressmen to have these questions given to the Judiciary committees, demanding former FBI Director James Comey to answer on Thursday. Seeing as Comey is so hell bent on getting in the limelight, the public wants several issues put to rest once and for all. If he wants to be in center spotlight, maybe it's time he has the tough questions to answer that makes his moment in the sun worth the wait for the rest of us.

Intuition says Comey will refuse to answer any or all of these questions as they tend to be self-incriminating; however, it shows the farce of the hearing which wastes taxpayer time and money. In reality, it's just another showboat event for the ultimate poser. Nothing more.

-- TC

Questions Citizens are demanding to be answered:

  1. Did you discuss with anyone outside of the Justice Department any interactions you had with President Trump or President Obama regarding either the investigations of Trump associates' alleged connections with Russia or the Clinton email investigation? If so, with whom did you discuss those interactions, when, and why?
  2. Did you create any memos about interactions you had during either the Obama or the Trump administrations with the Deputy Attorney General, the Attorney General, or the President regarding either the investigations of Trump associates' alleged connections with Russia or the Clinton email investigation? If so, to whom did you provide copies  and when?
  3. Have you discussed any such memos or their contents with anyone outside the Justice Department? If so, with whom, when, and why?
  4. Did you discuss any such memos or their contents with anyone within the Justice Department? If so, with whom, when, and why?
  5. Did you share copies of any such memos with anyone outside the Justice Department? If so, with whom, when, and why?
  6. Did you retain copies of any such memos after leaving the FBI or otherwise maintain access to them? If so, please explain why.
  7. If you retained copies or can access them, please provide all such memos that you created, memorializing interactions you had with Presidents Trump or Obama, Attorney General Sessions or Lynch, and Deputy Attorneys General Rosenstein, Boente, or Yates regarding either the investigations of Trump associates' alleged connections with Russia or the Clinton email investigation. 


  1. Good questions but won't hold my breath waiting for the answers. Comey will never come clean.

  2. The man is already a proven liar. Why should we believe anything he says.

  3. My question is, why now recommendation for a arrest of the lying criminal bitch Hillary?

  4. Donald Trump's attorney general suggested he could quit after the president 'lashed out' at him, it was reported Tuesday night.

  5. 5A all the way; you just WATCH!

  6. Mueller has put together an all-star team of prosecutors to look into charges of collusion, meddling and spying that have cast a shadow over Donald Trump's presidency.

    1. This will all be over soon because Trump isn't under investigation. Once the witch hunt is closed clinton will be charged...this entire bs propaganda is to save clinton and it hasn't slowed President Trump at all. Democrats are done.

  7. Comey has already testified, under oath that no one has attempted to obstruct. If he now says otherwise he will be committing perjury, a felony. Is he that stupid? I do not think so.


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