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Friday, June 23, 2017

Prof Who Made Belligerent Appearance On Tucker Carlson Tonight Suspended Indefinitely

A former professor at Essex County College was indefinitely suspended two days after her heated appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Lisa Durden was told that she had to cancel her classes and report to Essex County College’s human resources department two days after a June 6 appearance on the prime time Fox News show. School officials then indefinitely suspended her.

“They did this to humiliate me,” Durden told The Star-Ledger. “Essex County College publicly lynched me in front of my students.”

Durden went off on the show in defense of a black-only Memorial Day party organized by Black Lives Matter, dodging a direct question from Carlson on whether it’s okay to exclude people based on race.



  1. The White Caucus in Congress needs to hold a hearing on this matter.

  2. Good riddance. An educated thug

  3. “They did this to humiliate me,” Durden told The Star-Ledger. “Essex County College publicly lynched me in front of my students.”

    No dearie, you did that all by your lonesome.

    1. She sure did, about time the left started paying the consequences!

  4. Good she was a hateful bigot. Also, university of Delaware should fire their professor who said Otto Warmbier got what he deserved.

  5. What do I say? Well boo Hoo Hoo Lisa ...you used the race card and it backfired 😂🤣

  6. This is so messed up! Racism is WRONG, regardless of the color..she deserves to be fired! and look at how much mommy and daddy are paying for their kids to go to these schools and to have teachers like this! now who is boo hoo hooing? She is one of many that are whats wrong with this country!

  7. What do I say? I say boo hoo hoo Lisa you got fired!

  8. I find it funny how the libs are claiming to be the victim when they step over the line. No morals, no accountability, and incensed on inciting violence or aggression, but it appears that the opinions of rational people are calling out the crazies. Hopefully, it will lead to the expulsion of idiots like Waters, McCain, and Pelosi, regardless of party affiliation. When I hear about the fallout on social media regarding the insanity of some of these libs who feel entitled, but immediately having their privaledge checked, just gives me hope. They better get use to the voice of reason. Just nonsense coming from Hollywood that only further leads to a party now just grabbing at straws. It feels good to be on the side of reason.


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