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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Prof Who Made Belligerent Appearance On TV Suspended

A former professor at Essex County College was indefinitely suspended two days after her heated appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Lisa Durden was told that she had to cancel her classes and report to Essex County College’s human resources department two days after a June 6 appearance on the prime time Fox News show. School officials then indefinitely suspended her.

“They did this to humiliate me,” Durden told The Star-Ledger. “Essex County College publicly lynched me in front of my students.”

Durden went off on the show in defense of a black-only Memorial Day party organized by Black Lives Matter, dodging a direct question from Carlson on whether it’s okay to exclude people based on race.

“I thought the whole point of Black Lives Matter, or one of the points, would be to speak out against singling people out on the basis of their race and punishing them for that because you can’t control what your race is, and yet they seem to be doing that, explain that to me,” Tucker said.



  1. Ain't it funny how racism goes only one way. It's never black against white. (sac)

  2. that lady needs some mental treatment.

  3. another racist kook. if she is the best they have to offer, they are no real threat intellectuality.

  4. Yet another racist black opens up.

  5. Black LABS Matter

  6. Are you kidding me? Some heavy hitter with that college saw this, and instructed the administration to get rid of this dumb b%tch quick. Colleges are about making money. Someone like this moron employed there would have potential students and their families staying away in droves. Tucker handled this really well and made some good points in the process. Wish I could think this quick on my feet when my wife has honeydo's and I can't go fishing. Ha! But seriously folks this nut job needed to be fired and not teach another student EVER.

  7. whoaaaa!!! there, 8:29!There's a LINE here! Look at the bosses; the Union. The line is at the door of the classroom. All's fair in there. You just can't admit your racist, Commie thoughts outside like that. THAT'S where you get in trouble.

    In class indoctrination is mandatory!

  8. I must question the college's hiring criteria and WHO made the selection!!!


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