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Saturday, June 03, 2017

Press said Nothing...


  1. Not much has changed with MSM reporting on the Democratic Party.

  2. Sad but true...the left has no conscience or moral compass. Not quite sure what the MSM has to gain out of all this. The general public sees them for what they are and most have been labeled hacks. Perhaps the WAPO makes good bird cage litter.

  3. Because he's a Clinton, he can????

  4. He could. It looks like he's losing his edge.

  5. All these years he has said nothing about Vince Foster and now he speaks, just like Hillary another 15 min of attention is all. I believe he is largely responsible for the Foster death it has been a cover up for years and never rightly investigated. Clean the swamp one of the main monsters in the swamp is Bill Clinton. The Clinton Foundation money should be paid out to all the families that the Clinton's knew who died mysteriously.

  6. Suicide with 2 bullets in the back of the head, and no media said crap about that!

  7. No need to fuss, he will be planted soon enough.

  8. Not that the pervert was ever anything to look at he looks horrid these days. Like death warmed over.

  9. This should tell you the press was in the tank with the Clintons as much as the Obamas. Says we've been lied to for a very long time in America by our so called press. Isn't it time to hold them accountable for their complicity in the downfall of America?


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