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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Pelosi faces growing doubts among Dems after Georgia loss

There's a lot of grumbling by rank-and-file members, but no leadership change is imminent.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats put a brave face on Wednesday morning after a disappointing loss in the Georgia special election, yet there is no disguising the unhappiness in the party ranks.

There is no challenge to Pelosi’s leadership, and none is going to happen at this point, said numerous Democrats. But it’s clear frustration is growing with the longtime Democratic leader following the extensive losses Democrats have suffered over the past half-decade.



  1. From the article: "She remains the most successful nonpresidential political fundraiser in U.S. history, raising more than $560 million for House Democrats since she became leader in 2003...".

    Pelosi represents the Democrats best. A money grubbing leech.

  2. Last chance to leave the leadership role with some dignity, Nancy.

  3. Pelosi is the best the democrats have , now you tell me they are not in trouble.

  4. I am very happy with the results achieved by Ms. Pelosi and hope she stays on as minority leader for another 10 years. Of course, I am a Republican.

  5. Keep status quo; comical watching them shoot their feet. Nancy's wild gyrations with her hands in an attempt to appear intelligent is also mildly amusing.


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