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Friday, June 16, 2017

Patrick Buchanan: Are We Nearing a Civil War?

All I have to say is if we are, I need to know how many times does it take getting hit by their purse before we can justify lethal force against the liberal wielding the purse?

Of course I’m just kidding. I know they wouldn’t use purses. Not when they have their “safe places” to run to. It would be a Civil War like none before it…because one side has all the guns, while the other wields pepper spray. It would be one and done.

Am I awful to joke about this? Maybe. But here’s the thing, if I don’t joke about it…I might actually throat punch someone. Why? Well because we have three sides at play here, but only two will suffer at the hands of the utter anguish Civil War will bring to a nation. We have the right and the left…both believe opposite of the other, but despite this, if it weren’t for the THIRD side involved they would still get along.

What third side am I talking about? They are the underlying silent evil. They are those people that neither care or believe in anything being worth taking a stand for. They are the ones that just want chaos, and corruption to run rapid so they can pick and pull from the spoils that are lay wasted from the commotion between two sides that have been fooled into believing that the other was wicked enough to kill and feel guiltless about it.



  1. All I know is that if blogs and other sites have their way there will be war because the underlying silent evil you speak off is preached no where but on these sites.

    1. If you believe that you are clueless

    2. 324 why are you on it?

  2. If there is it will between the Dems. and the Rep.. (map)

  3. 3:24 - it is actually due to the vitriol spewed by liberals...like you!
    Sites like this uncover the truth and the underlying misinformation touted by the liberal mainstream media!

    Have another sip of Kool-Aid!

  4. 3:24, wake up and look around. (map)

  5. I don't get it. Is it going to be a race war? A religious crusade? Is it just going to be psychos like Dylan Roof acting on their own, or are militias going to form killing known liberals, going through towns and killing known gays and muslims and hispanics. What about Hindus? Will they be safe? Jews?

  6. The strong will survive

    1. The meek shall inherit the earth.

  7. I'm tired of preachin to you guys , of course it's a commin , we will survive , bring it . Oh and buy the way , walmart still has plenty of ammo , I may suggest the 12 ga. 00 buck shot for close range , 223 or 556 for anything over 50 yards.
    Just remember , wounds are better than killing , it's a very good brain teaser.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All I know is that if blogs and other sites have their way there will be war because the underlying silent evil you speak off is preached no where but on these sites.

    June 16, 2017 at 3:24 PM

    Silent evil is preached? Wouldn't that make it NON-silent? I don't think we will have any war anytime soon, and anyone who would wish for a war has never been in one or seen first-hand what HELL war really is. ( sorry guys, Call of Duty or any similar video games do not count)

    It's not like any movie. You don't get to go home at 5 pm and start again at 7 am. You won't see clean kills with a half inch hole in someone's chest with a dot of red blood staining their shirt.

    You will see bodies with half their head/face missing. You will see large empty cavities where their torso used to be. You will see missing limbs, and then find those limbs after you walk several feet. You will hear screams, gasping, gurgling sounds as they drown in their own blood, people staring at you unable to speak because they have nothing under their noses because it was shot off. And that's just a few examples.

    War is insanity. War is a crime against humanity. Wars are started by a few politicians who never have to fight in what they start.

    Never, EVER, wish for a war. You might just get it.

    Only then will you see how very wrong you were but by then it will be too late.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm tired of preachin to you guys , of course it's a commin , we will survive , bring it . Oh and buy the way , walmart still has plenty of ammo , I may suggest the 12 ga. 00 buck shot for close range , 223 or 556 for anything over 50 yards.
    Just remember , wounds are better than killing , it's a very good brain teaser.

    June 17, 2017 at 5:55 AM

    That's good. I hope you will stop then. Get something positive on your mind.


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