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Friday, June 02, 2017

Paris Climate Agreement

The Paris Agreement for download and read!


  1. From what I gleaned from this, it is a financial support program for poor countries at the expense of wealthy developed countries. In other words, more cash for Africa! Trump is correct to get the USA out of this, it is another drain on American Funds for Black Muslims, Africa is filled with them!

  2. Thank you Joe/ Thornton! Now, if we all had this information on all controversial bills a week BEFORE they were to be voted on....wait. Wasn't there a law passed about that about the time Obamacare was passed "So we can find out what's in it?"

    There are a lot of proposed bills impossible to find posted until AFTER they are voted on.

    What's up with that? I looked for this before the announcement and couldn't find a thing.

  3. What's just as important if not more important is the list of what countries have pledged. Basically the US took the biggest hit both financially and economically with some countries doing little to nothing including China.
    When the Massachusetts Institute of Technology compiled the pledges and compared them with its own preexisting projection, it found a temperature reduction by 2100 of only 0.2°C. When the analysts compared the pledges with the projection created by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change back in 2000, they found no improvement at all.

    Minimal improvement if any at all. What's really funny are the liberals who are so outraged over the withdraw. Just look how low they have sunk. This is why so many are sucking their thumbs, crying and don't have the proverbial pot to take a leak in and never will. They have very low expectations and goals and settle for substandard results.

  4. Paris Accord is a way for the Rich to continue to get subsidies paid for by you and me; the American Taxpayer. It is also a way to redistribute wealth; taking money from American Taxpayers and giving it to other countries.

    Congress has NEVER approved of this hoax and We the People have never had a say. This isn't only bad for America and it's citizens; it's EVIL.

    Check these stories out for yourselves:





  5. Thanks for posting this. This deal is a bad deal for America all the way around. Why is everyone upset about this being toppled? Now I see why everyone yesterday was so polarized. The ones who read it vs. the ones who did not.

  6. Now we understand better the liberal mind. America complies but China and India, two of the dirtiest countries on the planet, don't comply until 2030. Uhhhhh...

  7. The emissions and degrees are just not worth it alone. This is nothing more than wealth distribution. Too bad, America isn't wealthy anymore like it was before Obama took office. He sucked up like welfare queens suck the system dry. He should have never been president. You guys screwed up, Haus. Period.


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