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Monday, June 26, 2017

Panicked Dems Want Russian Election Hoax Dropped

Dem voters see fake Russia narrative as a distraction

The establishment’s fake narrative that President Donald Trump was heavily dependent on Russia’s help to win the White House is collapsing.

The narrative, which absolves Hillary Clinton of blame for the election loss despite her numerous scandals and health problems, is a hard sell for Democratic voters who would rather see focus shift to the economy.

“Rank-and-file Democrats say the Russia-Trump narrative is simply a non-issue with district voters, who are much more worried about bread-and-butter economic concerns like jobs, wages and the cost of education and healthcare,” reported the Hill. “In the wake of a string of special-election defeats, an increasing number of Democrats are calling for an adjustment in party messaging, one that swings the focus from Russia to the economy.”



  1. Fine then Dems, DROP it and start working across the isle for an Affordable Care Act THAT WORKS instead of acting like temper tantrum children because you didn't get your way.

    BELIEVE YOU ME - we ALL have been watching your antics (both parties) and we do not like what we see! (HELLO, WE voted for a non-political affiliated person for PRESIDENT)

    Come election time, many of you WILL be out of a job!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of $15 jobs available (HAHAHAHAH Mr. or Ms. Kiosk HAHAHAHA)

    USA! USA! USA!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Dems want to drop the subject. Ok which one want to refund the American people the wasted tax dollars spent chasing this hoax? I say throw them in jail and throw away the key

  3. Let'em wallow in the crap they've been slinging for all these months while little to anything's been accomplished in the House or the Senate. They just move from one BS tactic to another.

  4. Democrats are doing a fine job Nancy needs to stay in charge. Chuck needs to keep doing what he is doing. I want Nancy to stay in charge.

  5. Now their working on a big lie,it's called a plan for the middle class,LOL!

  6. Oh NO...too late dears. This is what you wanted and this is what you'll get...lol

  7. So, are we going to begin seeing the democratic constituents demanding their representatives cut the crap and start working across the aisle? I doubt we will see it since the MSM won't follow those stories. With leading democrats starting to feel "queasy" over the Loretta Lynch debacle I think they are seeing the worm beginning to turn. 2018 is right around the corner and the democrats got no game.

  8. Sure they want it dropped. It is probably because they are the ones responsible for the whole mess and if the truth is known the Russian ambassador that is being sent back was in it with the Democrats. They are afraid people are really going to find out the truth.

  9. CNN is still rolling the Russian train all day, every day, LOL! It's been 5 months, and that's their only story. Trump, Russia, No evidence, but Trump, Russia, Trump, Russia, no evidence, no investigation, but Trump, Russia, and Trump. Oh, and the favorite BIG word, "Collusion" and even better, :No Collusion", LOL! Wolf may retire on this one!

    I can see him in the nursing home with Alzheimer's saying these only words he can remember from his whole life, LOL!

  10. Their conspiracy theory against the Republicans are proving the DemocRATs involvement. Getting to close to the truth of Obama, Hillary, Bill, Clinton Foundation, Podesta and family along with other promenade DemocRATs are / were the problem in collusion with the Russians.

  11. Russian collusion traced back to Obama.

  12. Nice try. Then why were they telling us when they go home to their constituents in their town hall meetings people are asking about Russia. I believe the Dems make this stuff up as they go along. Will say anything, will do anything to divide the country. There are no words to describe their evil political maneuverings.


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