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Sunday, June 04, 2017

Obamas purchase their DC rental house for millions

WASHINGTON (CNN) —It's only been little more than four months, but it appears Barack and Michelle Obama are so enamored with their posh Washington, DC rental home, they've plunked down a whopping $8.1 million to purchase it.

The sale was first reported by the Washington Post. Obama's spokesman, Kevin Lewis, confirmed the sale to CNN: "Given that President and Mrs. Obama will be in Washington for at least another two and a half years, it made sense for them to buy a home rather than continuing to rent the property."

The Obamas have said they were committed to remaining in Washington while their youngest daughter, Sasha, completes high school at Sidwell Friends School, where she is scheduled to begin her junior year in September.



  1. I sooooo wish they would just go away!
    All they're doing is trying to maintain relevancy - all we're doing is trying to recover from the last eight years of your crap!

    1. By purchasing a home? Guess thats another right that should be denied to the Obamas right?

  2. 644 considering Obama's administration is crumbling over illegal FISAs and surveillance, you may see Mr. Obama go to prison. Then he won't be living in anyone's neighborhood. Leavenworth doesn't like 'community organizers.'

  3. HMmmmmmm
    Obama is concearned about climate change ? but he just finished building a 10,000 sq ft home and WALL which uses TONS of electric along with his 14 car SS TEAM......H Y P O C R I T E D E M S.....

  4. Come on now...does anyone really believe the Obama's forked over $8.1 million? I don't doubt someone is buying the property but I guarantee it isn't the Obama's. Remember after the first term a wealthy donor was providing a residence in Hawaii? Same thing, he isn't paying for it.

  5. Come on, CNN, it's "enamored of", not "enamored with".

  6. 7:31 Why is it you people have to twist everything and lie! No one said they don't have a "right" to buy a home. Is there ever an end to the lies you people tell!

    1. If you are attacking them over a report they bought a home, that is exactly what commemters are sayimg.

  7. Wherever they go whatever they do they will always be pure ghetto garbage. They are the scum of the earth and the only thing more putrid then them are those who support them. Goes to show how low the democrats are to have elected a man who lies constantly. The only good thing is he's know as the first black president. Blacks can have him. They deserve the immoral lying trash.

  8. 7:31, they stole enough while in office to buy anything they wish. I don't have a problem with their purchase. My main issue with the purchase is the location. I live in Wicomico County and we have more than our share of chicken apartments that give off a stink. With that crowd hold up just over the bridge is overwhelmingly odoriferous.

  9. Obama and Kerry "secretly" gave $1B to Iran. How do we know how much of that went back to Kerry and Obama? We don't. It was a secret, remember?

  10. LOL. They got a $60 million dollar advance for a book deal. $8 million home is well within the spending limits. You people never have anything to say about the jenner/kardashian trash sleeping with black men buying a $12 million home in LA. Google it.

  11. obammy and killary just don't get it. we don't like you. we are glad you are gone (even though you won't go away). both of you still maintain some of your delusional followers. neither of you accepts reality (Trump is our president). your words do not carry much weight since neither of you is in public office anymore. (thankfully) one cries because his bad decisions/policies, mistakes are finally being repealed. the other cries because she and her delusional followers believed their own fake news. you thought if you claimed you would win long enough and loud enough you could somehow magically make it happen. but the reality was you could no longer fool the American people to that degree.

    now, go back to camping in the woods and stay behind the wall you built at your 8 million dollar mansion berrack. this country will heal and prosper in spite of both of you.

  12. Because Clinton and Obama created a lawless society, with little to no morals and promoted hate and division, our nation is in need rebuilding. Enter Trump...already making American GREAT AGAIN!

  13. A $450k salary for 8 years but a purchase of a $8.1M home......seams like a little capitalism at work. What's Berny have to say or does jealousy have his socialist tounge?

  14. "Anonymous said...

    LOL. They got a $60 million dollar advance for a book deal. $8 million home is well within the spending limits. You people never have anything to say about the jenner/kardashian trash sleeping with black men buying a $12 million home in LA. Google it.

    June 1, 2017 at 9:17 PM"

    Honey you are dealing with not only a better class of people on this site but a very intelligent and while we are very well read what the kardashians are up to are not something people of our standing concern ourselves with. But I will say thing, they better watch out with those "black men". It was a black man who murdered their mothers best friend Nicole Brown.

  15. Let's do the math...you walk into the bank, tell them you make $450,000/year and say you want to buy an $8m home. When the loan officer stops laughing, he shows you what type of home you can afford.
    How is he able to afford that home on his income? Come on, man!! Where is the investigative journalism? This is an easy paper trail. Ask to see the application and where the funding is coming from. It's not that hard! If the bank can't provide it, then they are guilty of discrimination against other non-VIP borrowers.

  16. Maybe sashquatch is finally proud to be American.

  17. I remember when they had no $ to quote them. Dems have nothing else to do with their $ then give it to the most racist, biast, race baiter and first responder hater in the world. I hope he and his family have no protection from Secret Service as he never had their back or concern for all the officers killed during his term. He turned his back on communities needing help, a country turned back to a civil war, while he and family traveled the globe and sent their pet dog on Air Force one to join them --remember that one Dems?

  18. Harry S Truman: No man can get rich in politics unless he's a crook. It cannot be done.

  19. If you pay cash for a home, why would be dealing with a bank????


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