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Friday, June 16, 2017

NR 6-16-17 Wicomico County Arson Arrest Salisbury


Arson Fire Leads to Two Arrests

     WICOMICO COUNTY, JUNE 16, 2017 -  Investigators from the Maryland State Fire Marshal's Office are currently investigating an arson fire at 900 N. Salisbury Blvd in Salisbury of Wicomico County. The investigation has revealed the business at that address, Friendly Food Store, was intentionally set on fire. Investigators determined an ignitable liquid was used to start a fire in multiple locations. Investigation following the origin and cause determined the owner of the business, Mohammad Adeen (39) of Salisbury, intentionally set the fire to the business for financial gain. An employee of Adeen, identified as Timothy E. DeMent (42) of Salisbury, also assisted in setting the fire. At this time both Adeen and DeMent have been charged with Second Degree Arson and are awaiting a hearing with the Court Comissioner at the Wicomico County Detention Center. 
     The fire was originally dispatched around 12:32 am this morning after a passer by called 911. Upon arrival of the fire department, a small smoldering fire was discovered inside of the establishment. Approximately 17 firefighters from Salisbury Fire Department responded and extinguished the fire within 10 minutes. The fire caused approximately $600 in damages to the building, which is a multi-use business center. The owner of the building, and victim, was identified as Sajjad Shah. 
     Anyone with information in reference to this incident is asked to contact the State Fire Marshal's Office, Lower Eastern Region Office at 410-713-3780. 

 Mohammad Adeen (39) of Salisbury

Timothy E. DeMent (42) of Salisbury


  1. A Jihadi and a Jerk

  2. 1:11 - LOL
    that's a large building to try and torch. Used to be a Deli. It looks ghetto. Maybe if they cleaned it up they would be more successful.

  3. The way this country is headed I would not be shocked if you see more of this. The mall is going down and will be closing. What chance do small businesses have in this country anymore?

  4. You would think the owner of the business would know to turn off the security camera footage before torching his own place. Talk about the worlds dumbest criminals!

  5. 3:41 The country is not headed in this direction, the eastern shore is. I bought property in other states in 2009-11. There were foreclosures and half empty strip malls in those areas. Today, the shopping centers are full and my property values have tripled.

  6. Use to be a Shore Stop. Sold soon after the manager was killed during robbery years ago. She was one of the nicest customers I had the pleasure to deal with. It went to trash after sold to foreigners. They were a bunch of thieving crooks. Probably the MD comptroller agents finally caught up with them.


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