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Sunday, June 11, 2017

New Norm in England


  1. They must feel so much safer! Who wouldn't run out of the way from a truck mowing down pedestrians? Who wouldn't call emergency services in that situation or one where someone is stabbing people? This is a campaign for elementary school children, right up there with "Duck and cover."

    That staged CNN scene just shows the lengths England is going to cover up the Islamic ideology terrorizing their country. I wonder how many terrorist attacks have been prevented with Trump in office over the last several months, rather than Hillary?

  2. I saw that and just shook my head..Pitiful. Battle cry of the 21st century metrosexual, i suppose. None of us really knows just what we would do or how we would react, but I'd like to think I would aspire to more.

  3. When is it time to fight back ?

    1. 6:01-America already has. It was initiated on November 8, 2016, and was put into force on January 20, 2017. I am getting my concealed weapon permit now. I voted to make America great again. My next step is to exercise my second amendment right.

  4. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

    Nothing but a Fading memory.

  5. Lock, Cock and Shoot.

  6. That is exactly why they are going to lose.

  7. 6:01, when their government decides to give them their guns back. They took them all years ago, and now the people are helpless.

    Hey, Hogan, are you reading this?

  8. If you fight back you will be charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law,welcome to the new world order.

  9. I cant wait till a lib politician is cowering im his home like a COWARD.

    1. The politicians have armed security.

  10. You aren't even allowed to own a sharp knife in the UK. Pathetic!

  11. 7:41 Ok, they cut steaks with butter knives?

  12. 999

    Why not 666 upside down?

  13. Americans.......carry a gun and don't think you need ANYONE to tell you its "okay with them".
    They won't be there when a peaceful muslim starts blasting people in a coffee shop or at your kid's birthday party at Chucky Cheese.
    What they WILL be doing is making sure all their armed guards are in place before they go outside.
    YOU are on your own.
    Pack the heat, don't be afraid to use it, and don't think a cop or a politician gets to tell you which God given rights THEY think you will be ALLOWED to use.
    And never think people like me are going to "give up" or walk around helpless.
    Carry a reloader, too. In case things get out of hand with whomever thinks they are the only ones with rights.


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