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Saturday, June 10, 2017

New Documents: Hillary Clinton Ignored ‘Security Hawks’ to Use ‘Highly Vulnerable’ BlackBerry

Hillary Clinton went against the advice of security experts by continuing to use an unsecured BlackBerry smartphone while serving as secretary of state, new documents reveal.

Clinton was made aware that "unclassified BlackBerry is highly vulnerable in any setting," but nevertheless persisted in using her phone, Judicial Watch reportedThursday. The conservative watchdog group obtained an email in which Clinton spoke openly about retaining her phone contrary to counsel.

"Against the advice of the security hawks, I still do carry my berry but am prohibited from using it in my office, where I spend most of my time when I'm not on a plane or in a ‘no coverage' country," Clinton wrote in an email.

Judicial Watch submitted the email record as evidence to the U.S. District Court. The organization obtained the record through a court order as part of the ongoing case Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Department of State.



  1. Security hawks?! Any halfwit would have come to the same conclusion, that Hillary was risking the security of the nation in favor of her personal agenda of deal making outside the bounds of government propriety. And when she was caught at it, she did just what a halfwit would do, which is deny, erase, lie, and destroy evidence.

  2. What is Mueller doing about this?


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