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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Nevada just legalized cultivation of industrial hemp; feds still consider hemp agriculture a felony crime

(Natural News) Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has recently signed into law Senate Bill 396, which will allow the cultivation of industrial hemp for commercial purposes. The bill would also authorize the production of agricultural hemp seed in the state. The law’s approval meant that Nevada has nullified a federal prohibition in hemp products in practice and effect within the state. The federal government currently bans hemp seed acquisition.

The bill was introduced in March by a bipartisan group of 12 legislators. The bill’s recent approval will expand current law passed in 2015 that allows only institutions of higher education or the Nevada Department of Agriculture to grow industrial hemp for research purposes through an agricultural program or for other agricultural or academic research. The new law will enable Nevada to develop separate licensing initiatives for hemp seed handlers, producers, and growers. Russell Wilhelm, manager of the state industrial hemp program, noted that there are currently 19 Nevada producers that grow about 500 acres of hemp for research purposes in the state.



  1. ymousJune 8, 2017 at 3:57 PM
    Those Who lurk (Sweet Ones, here this!) Will say do and take whatever Their leaders say Yes


  2. If weed was meant to be illegal, God would not have put it on our green Earth!

  3. Agriculturally, it's a versatile crop that could be very good for farmers and our economy.

  4. The hemp they're talking about isn't the stuff with the psychoactive chemicals in it.


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