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Monday, June 05, 2017

Need We Say More?


  1. Liberals are pure evil. Hitler has nothing over them. They are in the same league. They think nothing of looking at a picture of an 8 yr old little girl whose body was shredded and blown to pieces by terrorist and completely ignoring the horror.
    This is the same mindset that allows them to think it's okay to keep a fetus alive until the organs can be harvested.

  2. You are a complete idiot if you lump every single person that disagrees with you as pure evil and worse than Hitler. Liberals/democrats make up half of the US population. There are some on the far left that are a crazy as those on the far right. I hope you realize that it is only possible for you to be typing your post because of 2 democrats - Bill Gates/Steve Jobs. Doesn't the Bible say "love thy neighbor"? It doesn't say love they neighbor only if they agree with you.

  3. 7:50 preach. The irony is that 7:23 doesn't realize how they're showing us truly how evil their mind can be.

  4. The Left loves throwing their temper tantrums. They're never satisfied with anything that's remotely American. Why they don't move overseas is a mystery because they could move to another country just like illegals live here beyond their time to stay. Of course if you caught in other countries you're banned from coming back to their country ever.

  5. The more I hear from liberals, the more I have to agree with Jordan Peterson, that we are not speaking the same language.

  6. Liberals are the new victim class. They all should put crosses in the front yards because they are the ultimate martyrs in their own minds.

  7. Time for liberals to start embracing honesty. Liberals are without any doubts in the same league as Hitler. Hitler is very proud of them. You all can spin it, lie about it, whatever but the truth is the truth.
    Liberals sit around and not only accept that people are being slaughtered BUT have sunk so low into the sea of depravity that they are insisting we and other nations be infiltrated by those who seek to destroy.
    I know the truth about what a POS you are 7:50 burns you up but you need to face the facts-you and your kind are horrid people who have never and will ever serve any useful purpose to society.
    Also you have just proved how dumbed down you people have become. Love your neighbor doesn't mean you have to love their evil sinning ways. The Bible says to hate the sin FYI. And while we are on the topic the Bible says to call out you sinners and try to bring you people back to righteous and try instill into you morals.. So don't be quoting the Bible when you don't know what you are talking about. It's not productive.

  8. Isn't that illustration a little on the sexist side? Are all Liberals women?

  9. The Hillary Network !!!

  10. The bible is nothing more than a bunch of folk stories retold over thousands of years that eventually got written down.


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