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Monday, June 05, 2017

Muslims Take Over New York Street – Start Praying in Front of Trump Tower

New York – Muslims continued on with their civilization Jihad as they took over the street in front of Trump Tower during ‘Iftar’ or ‘breaking their Ramadan fast’.

There is no reason for this other than Muslims letting the infidels know that they here and working on their Islamic takeover.

Of course Hamas-linked, Linda Sarsour was also there spewing more lies about her intentions as a Muslim activist. She claims Trump is full of hatred and divisiveness which of course is untrue. The real hate and divisiveness comes from Islam and Sarsour knows it.

More here


  1. Can you imagine what the smell must be like?

  2. Where are the police ? blocking traffic run there A.. over.

  3. This shows the world their hypocrisy. If they'd turn over their radical fringes it would be a completely different story right now. But they refuse to turn them in when they know they're terrorists. No sympathy. They don't assimilate & try to shove Sharia down our throats. Hope Trump deports them ALL!

  4. Shouldnt they be out protesting radical islam ? ohhhhhh i forgot they dont do that in mass bc secretly they belive in it FACT.

  5. Grab a megaphone and start saying the Lord's Prayer!

    1. good point but the liberal bigbird moyor will have u arrested.

  6. Isn't that what their mosques are for? Get out of the streets and go to your Mosques and do your praying. It is not all about you and your religion believe it or not. Better yet, go back to where you came from and pray outside all you want.

  7. I'm completely amazed at how dumb and just incompetent America and its citizens have become. YES they ALL support this cause one way or another. Their end result is Sharia law worldwide. Their plan began back in the late 70's early 80's knowing they couldn't succeed militarily so they did the next best thing defeat us from within preying on this liberal soft hearted garage being spewed everywhere today. I truly hope you people are ready for what's on the horizon

  8. They are planning a " take over"
    of our Country and they will unless
    this can be stopped by Trump.

    Years ago, my Mother said , " Our
    Country is going to be in Big trouble,
    letting "anything/everything in"

  9. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. They all believe Sharia law should be the law of the land they reside in. The only thing that makes them "radical" is when they commit the acts of violence they all support.

  10. Shoot em' Liz.....

  11. Where are the women at prayer? And no I would not want my head that close to someone's ass praying.


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