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Monday, June 19, 2017

MSNBC Host Suggests Rep. Steve Scalise Deserved To Be Shot Due To Conservative Record

MSNBC hosts say a lot of nutty things, but this one goes right ot the top of the lengthy list.

On Saturday, MSNBC host, Joy Reid, all but said the words: Rep. Steve Steve Scalise deserved to be shot.

“Rep. #Scalise was shot by a white man with a violent background, and saved by a black lesbian police officer, and yet…” she wrote in a tweet, posted with a list of Scalise’s record:



  1. One person's opinion of course. I would offer my own for Ms. Reid - YOU"RE FIRED!!!!!

  2. No he did not deserve to be shot for playing ball. You may disagree with a person but you do not have to shoot them--you're as crazy as the shooter to post that.


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