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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Motorcyclist Plows Through Trump Protesters Staging a “Die In” [VIDEO]

Lying about in the middle of the street is the hot new way to protest. The not-so-subtle obstruction of traffic patterns and the inconvenience caused to motorists is intended to draw attention to issues. But some motorists have had their fill of the protests and are staging protests of their own, like this motorcyclist who rode through a recent crowd in San Francisco.

The protest took place in front of the San Francisco Federal Building. They protestors were holding a “die-in” to highlight Trump’s new healthcare bill.



  1. If you play in the street you should expect to get ran over. Stupid people.

  2. Gunning an engine on the road and driving while avoiding debris. Does not sound like anything criminal here.

  3. block the road, and things happen

  4. As usual the wrong one got arrested.

  5. The crime was them lying in the street rum thers snowflake a.. over.

  6. Play stupid games win stupid prizes

  7. Again the DEM's have blood on their hands. Not remotely possible for the new proposed bill to have been read by the leadership and certainly not by any of these knucklehead protestor's, and Shummer is giving press conferences about how many people are going to die if this bill's passed. Keep it up aholes! The civil unrest is growing each and everyday.

  8. Just listen to that moonbat talk. No brain function.

  9. It was a DIE-IN so how can anybody bitch when people die?

  10. Boy they sure jumped when he gunned that engine. That was worth watching the video. The idiot woman towards the end of the video was just plain crazy. She should go play frogger on the beltway.

  11. It said after he went through he turned around and did it again. Maybe they got him for going the wrong way on the street. Either way it says he was detained. It never said if he was charged or not.

  12. The roadway was created for traffic, not impediments to traffic.

  13. Protesting is dangerous, especially on a road way.
    Do so with full knowledge of the danger.

  14. didnt you all hear the real crime. the reporter said they matched the plates and got a persons name. how the heck does the media have a right to the DMV database.

  15. Lay down in front of a cop car and see who gets arrested.

  16. Growing up "old school", if anyone was dumb enough to sit, stand, lay, or take your time walking across the street, you would get your a** hit.


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