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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Mosque In U.S. Teaches: ‘Partial’ Female Genital Mutilation Helps Prevent ‘Hyper-Sexuality’ In Women

In a now-removed YouTube video, an imam in Virginia allegedly uploaded a video where he explains the benefits of female genital mutilation (FGM), a gruesome process that can include anything up to cutting off the labia and clitoris and sewing up what’s left as a way to prevent “hypersexuality” in women.

The video, starring Imam Shaked Elsayed from the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, described FGM as the cutting of “the tip of the sexually sensitive part of the girl so that she is not hyper-sexually active.” So far, YouTube has only confirmed that the video has “been removed.”

As reported by Breitbart, the Investigative Project on Terrorism was able to view the video before its removal and had this to say about Elsayed:



  1. Ironically, the same argument has in the past been used to support male circumcision.

    This barbarism has to stop. There is no real reason to genitally mutilate our children, and it needs to stop.

  2. "process that can include anything up to cutting off the labia and clitoris and sewing up what’s left as a way to prevent “hypersexuality” in women."

    My question is what's wrong with hypersexuality in a women? Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me.

  3. "De-Hooding" is what is is called, it is not a total removal. Basically the same as male circumcision, which is not organ removal.

  4. Barbaric and sick.

  5. Sick bunch of a-holes

  6. I think my wife had this procedure done sometime after we got married.

  7. Where are our pussy hatted sisters on this? Their silence is deafening.

  8. And that's why I recommend only partial beheading of all these 7th century scumbags...and good one, 2:59.

  9. Thank Obama for ALL of this

  10. Yes, parents, mutilate your daughters and make them all as sexually responsive as a warm apple pie, just as your prophet intended.

  11. 537
    Barry was a puppet.
    Get real.


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