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Friday, June 16, 2017

Mosby Says She's Immune From Officers' Suit

Baltimore's top prosecutor is urging a federal appeals court to find that she is immune from a civil lawsuit filed by five police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray.

The officers are suing Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby for malicious prosecution, defamation and invasion of privacy. Other claims, including false imprisonment, were dismissed.

Mosby said in a brief filed this week in the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that a lower court should have found her to be immune from being sued, because she's a prosecutor.



  1. she her husband and Rawlings Blake should be prosecuted.

    1. I hear you, but if it is a Democratic appointed Judge, he will toss out the lawsuit in favor of the evil democrats.

  2. Doesn't everyone know that Democrats are immune from the consequences of their actions?! NOT!

    She should be held accountable for the snap to judgement prosecution that irreparably damaged these officers livelihoods!

  3. She stepped out side the bounds of her position. So fry her.

  4. Find that checkbook honey

  5. No one is immune from OUR laws!

  6. There's my girl....just knew she'd get in the news this week. Hopefully Nick got her a new wig for the upcoming news reports!

    Time for Marilyn to find another job far far away from the east coast! EMBARRASSMENT to the law!

  7. Concerned Retiree is right. She herself said on the day she announced the bogus charges that her office ran a "parallel investigation." The US Supreme Court has ruled an exception to absolute immunity is when prosecutors act as investigators.

  8. Just another arrogant proclamation from a discontented loser.

  9. Sue the hell out of that racist piece of shi-.


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