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Saturday, June 17, 2017



  1. #inpeach? OMG, dumber than a box of rocks.

  2. OMG!! I guess you just can not fix stupid. Old Maxie thinks she's untouchable when she's not by a long shot. She can be expelled from Congress for just cause. Embezzling money from her campaign to pay her daughter $300K a year to stuff envelopes would be a nice start. She's corrupt and has been corrupt for a seriously long time. People who are in the know, know Maxie is skating on borrowed time. She's being challenged in her district by someone who could very well unseat her in 2018. She will learn opening her mouth will cause her many problems in her election. Talking smack about others will come back to haunt her sooner than later. We already know what a nut job she is but what does this say about her constituents? Is everyone in CA on drugs?

  3. How do idiots like her get elected? I guess Calif. is full of ignorant people.

  4. She gets elected because a lot of people believe what they are saying

  5. 6:56 AM...she got elected by the same loons who elected the congressman that declared we should not overpopulate Guam because it would tip over.

  6. Wow shes smart I'll vote for her any day.


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