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Friday, June 09, 2017

Lynch Pressured FBI To Downplay Clinton Email Investigation

Loretta Lynch, the former attorney general under Barack Obama, pressured former FBI Director James Comey to downplay the Clinton email server investigation and only refer to it as a “matter,” Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

Comey said that when he asked Lynch if she was going to authorize him to confirm the existence of the Clinton email investigation, her answer was, “Yes, but don’t call it that. Call it a matter.” When Comey asked why, he said, Lynch wouldn’t give him an explanation. “Just call it a matter,” she said.

Comey added later that he was concerned about that direction as it was false. He was further concerned because it aligned with the Clinton campaign’s spin on the investigation.



  1. There's your obstruction of justice - favoring the HildaBeast! Lock them both up! The Women's prison in Fort Worth has a couple of open cells just for them!

  2. Now, tell me, who is surprised by all that?

  3. So that is the "what difference does it (make) "matter", comes from.

  4. Funny how Comey is credible and trustworthy when talking about Loretta Lynch but not when he's talking about Trump.

  5. However comey didn't write himself a memo and followed the order of the attorney general. He is only admitting to this now because Trump has all the information as his fingure tips. Comey should have never testified but I'm glad he did because it clears Trump from Russia

  6. and yet, no notes were leaked to the press?

  7. Man, all of the above comments hit the nail on the head. Just shows me how partisan Comey is/was even though he testified the FBI is a non political entity. BS Jim, just like your sour grapes testimony.

  8. If by Russians you mean a rotund, elderly black woman and a 6'8" jack in the beanstalk white cracker, then yes, Russian rigged the election!

  9. So lying Lynch wanted the FBI to be the FBM; Federal Bureau of Matters?

  10. If you want to have Lynch investigated for obstruction of justice/attempting to effect the outcome of the 2016 election how can you not also want the possible connection between the Trump Campaign and Russia investigated as well?

  11. OK folks have you had enough of this crap ? what is happening is the democrats and the MSM are keeping the republican congress from getting any meaningful work done by coming up with all this crap about Trump firing Comey, the Russians and anything else they can think of. The Republicans control the house and the senate BUT they need to get off their butts and take care of health care, the wall and Illegals and terrorists coming into our country if they don't at least get those things done this year befor thanksgiving they will lose control of congress in 2018 and it will never get done. The democrats and the MSM are playing the Republicans for suckers with all these distractions and A-holes like Rino Ryan are stupid enough to fall for it. I'm just a high school graduate but I know I could write an outline for a health care bill that would work for almost all Americans in one day. Republicans better wake up real quick or this country is screwed.


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