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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Lowes - 120 Tech Workers send Jobs to India

Amid efforts to improve its profitability, Lowe’s has laid off about 125 corporate tech workers, primarily at its headquarters in Mooresville.

The home-improvement retailer informed affected employees Wednesday morning through early afternoon, according to people familiar with the matter.

Many of the affected information technology job functions are being sent to Bangalore, India, where Lowe’s employs approximately 1,000 people in information and technology and analytics.

Wednesday’s layoffs are the latest in several rounds of reductions over the last year.

Lowe’s eliminated 96 corporate tech jobs in October, then in January cut another 2,400 full-time jobs, mostly at the store level. In February, it followed with more than 500 corporate layoffs, including 430 at its headquarters in Mooresville and 70 support staffers in Wilkesboro.


Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/article154829054.html#storylink=cpy


  1. I use Home Depot, as a contractor. I find everyone there asking me if I need help finding what I need, but at Lowes, I'm looked at maybe once a month. Nobody there cares to help customers find what they need.

    Rotsaruck, Lowes!

  2. That is great news for folks who live in India.

  3. Go after them Trump, another company outsourcing to India.

  4. Lowes ripped me off 10 years ago on a refrigerator purchase. I have never set foot in there since.

  5. I no longer work in I.T. because my job was also outsourced to India. I was made to train these people on how to do my job and document everything. If I refused, I would have been out the door a year earlier. I was told not to worry, we will still need "local" support. They told the customer service reps, your job is secure, and they were also outsourced to India and to the company that bought us. The manufacturing part of plant was at first outsourced to Mexico in the nineties for 2 dollars per hour, they the company found out that the Chinese would work for 37 cents per hour, and those jobs were then sent to China! It took me almost a year, but luckily I was able to fine a job with the State of Maryland making half of what I used to make. They state is now working on automating all call centers, so I guess I will be out once again of a job!

  6. Since I get my 10% discount at either establishment, I will start going to Home Depot more than Lowes. It is all about who is looking out for the American worker in my book.

  7. Not surprising; most of the merchandise at Lowe's is made in China. A Black and Decker yard trimmer, all plastic, made in China. This is sad folks; I do however understand the economics. Why pay a union employee $30/hour when the Chinese are paying $.37/hour. This is how they sell the plastic stuff for under $100 and when the thing wears out one just tosses it and buys a new one. Built in obsolescence. And then there is the nasty air quality in China; but that is okay with the globalists.

  8. Drop Jimmy Johnson and keep the Americans working.


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