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Monday, June 12, 2017

Local Health Officials Offer Tips to Keep Cool in Extreme Heat

(June 12, 2017, Salisbury, MD) Our area is experiencing a period of extreme heat as temperatures are expected to be in the 90s and upper 80s the first part of this week. Health Officials in Wicomico County are reminding residents to stay cool and well hydrated. Individuals can quickly develop a heat-related illness, which can become life-threatening if not properly treated. Sweating is the body’s way to cool itself, but under some conditions, sweating isn’t enough. This can cause a person’s body temperature to rise rapidly. A very high body temperature may damage the brain or other vital organs. Infants, young children, young athletes, obese persons, those older than 65 years of age, outdoor workers, and persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or a mental illness are at high risk.
The Wicomico County Health Department offers these tips to help you stay healthy and cool:
·         Stay indoors. Seek air-conditioned environments such as malls, libraries and public places.
·         Schedule outdoor activities before 10:00 am and after 6:00 pm.
·         Wear loose fitting, light-colored clothes.
·         Take cool baths or showers.
·         Minimize direct exposure to the sun; if you must be outdoors, seek shade.
·         Drink plenty of fluids without sugar, caffeine, or alcohol.
·         If outdoors, schedule frequent water breaks and drink 2 – 4 glasses (16 – 32 oz.) of fluid each hour.
·         Eat light, cool, non-spicy, easy-to-digest foods such as fruit or salads.
·         Limit the use of the stove or oven.
·         Check on others such as co-workers, the elderly, and those living alone at least twice a day.
·         Bring pets indoors. If they must remain outside, make sure they have shade and plenty of clean, fresh water.
For more tips on how to stay cool, visit www.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat.


  1. MAN imagine the days before AC!

  2. imagine the days before you had to have someone tell you what you need to do because of the heat!

  3. They should have opened the cooling centers. The first heat wave of the season is always the roughest.

  4. We had window fans when we were kids. No such thing as A/C.

    And we painted the house with lead based paint after scraping it with Dad.

    The we all died and came back to read this Blog, LOL!

  5. Steve,
    But before we died, we drank from the water hose in the yard.

    And some of us ate Play Doh


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