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Monday, June 12, 2017

Leading liberals develop plan to expand 'deep state' and undercut Trump

Forlorn liberals took refuge at the American Constitution Society's national convention in Washington this week, discussing whether to encourage the growth of the "deep state" resistance inside the government or fight President Trump from outside.

"The election of Donald Trump was an assault on the federal bureaucracy," William Yeomans said to a room full of students and civil servants, including those recently displaced by Trump's administration. "His values are simply not consistent with the values of people who are committed to public service and who believe deeply in the importance of public service."

Yeomans, an American University law professor with more than 25 years of experience at the Justice Department, was holed up inside the Capital Hilton hotel downtown on a sunny Friday afternoon leading a panel of bureaucrats and scholars divided about how best to fight Trump.

UCLA law professor Jon Michaels said he favors filling the Trump administration with liberals opposed to Trump's agenda.

Michaels listed his ideas for how to ensure the success of the "deep state..."


  1. Why ? The initiatives by liberals (deep state) say that No Common Sense allowef (thinkcrime, brainwaves ) get rid of the Pc Thought Police, they want your thoughts to be Outlawed !

  2. Politicians aren't as smart as Trump he is always a step or 10 ahead of them

  3. These people need to go and get off of the taxpayers dole.I hate to say it but sometimes I think the only way to rid us of these kind of people will be a complete and total economic collapse. Then we can start over again.I pray President Trump can find a way to rid us of these mentally ill freeloaders! God Bless President Trump and MAGA!!

  4. If they expended half of that energy simply trying to help the people instead of fighting whatever President Trump is doing, we would all be in a better place!

  5. Since we know who went to that meeting it is pretty obvious who needs to get fired right away! But since the government makes it so hard to fire someone I think that the only thing that can be done would be to reassign each one of these people to janitorial duties (sorry custodial folks) and to revoke their security clearances.

  6. You know, all of this "deep state" stuff is getting pretty nasty and sounds like sedition. I am all for free speech but again this borders on subversion and anarchy. While this seems to be inherent in the far left ideology the conservatives would have been chastised and labeled everything from racists to anti American had this occurred during the former administration. Really getting tired of this nonsense.

  7. Anarchy 101. Deport and revoke their citizenship for planning / attempting to overthrow the Government. Treason 101.

  8. Everyone knows the Deep State is intelligence agencies who work of the international bankers.


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