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Friday, June 16, 2017

Judge Makes Critical Distinction Between T & A, Blocks Anti-Nipple Ordinance

Judge Jackson struck down a Fort Collins, Colorado ordinance that prohibited "public exposure of the breast below the top of the areola and nipple."

If U.S. District Judge R. Brooke Jackson, a 70-year-old white man in Colorado, can handle an exposed nipple without losing his mind, you have no excuse.

Jackson struck down a Fort Collins, Colorado ordinance that prohibited “public exposure of the breast below the top of the areola and nipple.” Well, it prohibited “women” from public exposure, except for girls under 10 and breast-feeding mothers.

And it’s not like Fort Collins forgot about men. The city also bars public exposure of the genitals or buttocks for both women AND men. But only women are prohibited from going topless.

This seems like a good time to point out that a woman’s “genitalia” does not extend all the way up to her chest. I know that can be confusing to people. While we’re here: thighs, hair, and midriffs are also NOT sex organs. The more you know!


1 comment:

  1. The ruling is briefly mentioned but not seriously discussed in the MD Attorney General's
    recent "advice letter".


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